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This post is more than 5 years old


September 22nd, 2010 14:00

vWorkspace - User Profile Management and Folder Re-direction (user shell folders)

How are people doing folder re-direction for users shell folders?
  • Using GPO’s from AD?
  • Adding the registry keys manually for each user using the vWorkspace “Scripts” feature?
  • Importing custom GPO’s into the vWorkspace “User Policies” feature?
  • Or another method using vWorkspace? Am I missing a trick?
I’m coming at this from a Windows 7/RDSH R2 perspective…
In my environment we have to be as hands off AD as possible so I’ve been looking at using vWorkspace to handle user shell folders and dont want to re-invent the wheel if people already have a good way of doing this?
We're currently using vWorkspace profiles to capture sections of the users registry hive - which works well.

180 Posts

September 22nd, 2010 14:00

I would just like to add...

I've toyed with importing a custom ADM into the vWorkspace “User Policies” section and have had it working for the users AppData folder and Documents...

Has anyone already got a completed win7/RDSh adm already made for this purpose they care to share (I.E. Desktop folder, Start Menu ,etc)?

19 Posts

September 22nd, 2010 21:00

I have leveraged Liquidware Lab's ProfileUnity.  It's nice that there is no agent to maintain.

Here is a link to the product.

Good luck.


48 Posts

September 22nd, 2010 23:00

Hi Daniel,

I've been using a custom unmanaged policy template for folder redirection for about 3-4 years now. It has the advantage of a very low login overhead compared to standard AD/GP folder redirection, but requires a bit of work with some simple scripts to make sure the back-end (eg user home drive) folder structure is there to make the redirection work. For example if you're redirecting the desktop and appdata etc, to the users home drive you need to make sure the necessary folder structure is there already.

This example assumes a home drive mapping of H: and redirection of folders to H:\windows\desktop, appdata and so on.

This can be done very easily using the "For /d" command in the root of the user's home directories.

for /d %i in (*) do md %i\windows\cookies & md %i\windows\appdata

A partial (main folders covered) policy template appears below:

----------- start folders.adm --------------
; Note: this is an unmanaged policy and will require the
; "Only show policy settings that can be fully managed" unticked
; in the View > filtering settings


CATEGORY "Unmanaged Folder Redirection"

POLICY "Redirect the My Documents Folder"
KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders"
  PART "My Documents Folder Path" EDITTEXT
   VALUENAME Personal
   DEFAULT "%UserProfile%\My Documents"
  END PART ;My Documents Folder Path

END POLICY ;Redirect the My Documents Folder

POLICY "Redirect the Application Data Folder"
KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders"
  PART "Application Data Folder Path" EDITTEXT
   DEFAULT "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming"
  END PART ;Application Data Folder Path

END POLICY ;Redirect the Application Data Folder

POLICY "Redirect the Desktop Folder"
KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders"
  PART "Favorites Folder Path" EDITTEXT
   VALUENAME Desktop
   DEFAULT "%UserProfile%\Desktop"
  END PART ;Favorites Folder Path

END POLICY ;Redirect the Desktop Folder

POLICY "Redirect the Cookies Folder"
KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders"
  PART "Cookies Folder Path" EDITTEXT
   VALUENAME Cookies
   DEFAULT "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies"
  END PART ;Cookies Folder Path

END POLICY ;Redirect the Cookies Folder

POLICY "Redirect the Favorites Folder"
KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders"
  PART "Favorites Folder Path" EDITTEXT
   VALUENAME Favorites
   DEFAULT "%UserProfile%\Favorites"
  END PART ;Favorites Folder Path

END POLICY ;Redirect the Favorites Folder

POLICY "Redirect the Recent Folder"
KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders"
  PART "Recent Folder Path" EDITTEXT
   DEFAULT "%UserProfile%\Recent"
  END PART ;Recent Folder Path

END POLICY ;Redirect the Recent Folder

END CATEGORY ;Unmanaged Folder Redirection
--------------- end folders.adm -------------

It's important to note that some applications, from Autodesk in particular, really hammer appdata and cause a lot of network i/o in the process. Handling that sort of application takes a slightly different approach to appdata where the static parts of the folder are "handled" as part of the default user/mandatory profile and the dynamic part (the bits you want to keep on a per-user basis) get handled by the vWorkspace profile agent.



180 Posts

September 23rd, 2010 04:00

I've looked at this solution in the past but I can't really justify any further spend... Not the way the public sector is going!

I like how it works though

180 Posts

September 23rd, 2010 05:00

Hi Rick,

Cheers for that... Sounds like the right sort of route to go down then..

I'll probably pursue this method/direction.


180 Posts

September 23rd, 2010 10:00

Hi Rick,

I've just been doing some playing around using a custom ADM that I made some time back which is pretty much the same as yours but I was using Shell Folders rather than User Shell Folders. I have changed this value to match yours and rather than using %UserProfile%, I'm using %HOMESHARE%. All good so far.

The sub folder structure, Desktop, My Documents, etc are being generated automatically... Maybe a new feature of Win7 and RDS 2008?

Just out of interest have you/anyone using folder re-direction, come across issues with users logging into multiple desktops or a mixture of Win7 and a RDS session at the same time?

I've not yet!

It would be good if vWorkspace allowed you to assign user policies based on desktop group and/or RDS server as well as the current assignment method.


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