Can't live without your Dell™ Monitor- With Dell™ Monitor, you're covered with Advanced Exchange from Dell™. Your Dell™ Monitor includes all the benefits of Advanced Exchange1, Dell's service and support and Limited Warranty2 for four years. Take this opportunity to extend the benefits of Advanced Exchange and protect your investment for up to 5 years. What is Advanced Exchange- In the event you have a warranty issue (problem) with your Dell™ Monitor that cannot be resolved over the phone, a replacement unit will be shipped at your doorstep the next business day. Unpack your new unit, ship back the defective unit and continue to enjoy the power of your Dell™ Monitor.
1Replacement system or replacement part will be dispatched, if necessary, following phone-based troubleshooting, in advance of receipt of returned defective part or system. Replacements maybe refurbished. Defective unit must be returned. Availability varies. Other conditions apply.
2You can get a copy of our limited warranties and guarantees by writing Dell USA LP, Attn: Warranties, One Dell Way, Round Rock, TX 78682. To purchase warranty only or for information on other service options please call 1-800-915-3355.