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Windows 10 upgrade failing with Error Code 80200013

Samenvatting: Install Windows 10 upgrade from an ISO image to prevent error code 80200013.

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This article provides information and guidance for resolving an issue with the Windows 10 upgrade failing with Error Code 80200013.

Windows 10 upgrade may fail with Error Code 80200013

During installation of the Windows 10 upgrade from a previous Windows operating system, the upgrade may fail with an error code of 80200013. This error could indicate a failure when downloading the Windows 10 update, possibly due to firewall settings or internet connectivity issues.

For customers experiencing this issue, the Windows 10 upgrade can be downloaded as an ISO image. Once the ISO image is downloaded, choose the upgrade option when performing the installation.

Reference the following Dell Knowledge Base articles for assistance in installing Windows 10 from an ISO image:




refer to the symptoms above