Dell Networking N2000 Series, Firmware Version

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Both Dell Networking N2000 and N3000 Series switches share the same firmware image file (N3000_N2000v6.3.1.13.stk). If your N2000 series switch has an earlier version of firmware ( or or, upgrade your switch to the latest version of firmware as it contains multiple bug fixes.

Please refer to the Release Notes for fixes and enhancements available in this release. "Release Notes" are included in the zip file - "Dell Networking_6.3.1.13_Release_Notes".

Please follow firmware upgrade instructions included in the zip file - "Upgrading Dell Networking N3000_N2000 Series Switches From Version 6.x.x.x to Firmware"

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Correcciones y mejoras

1071696 - Unable to copy files from tftp server to application area of the switch.
1085660 - Missing SNMP OID's in v6.3.0.x
PSE036473/PSE037185 - Switch crash with ARP Timer and emWeb tasks
PSE036768 - N3000 Switch crashes "lldpTask" when it receives LLDP packet with TLV length of 75
PSE032494/PSE035915 - N4032F- Configurations missing after save and reload.
PSE037246,PSE036993,PSE037018,PSE037343 - SSH stops responding after few weeks
1107646 - N4000-Stack Master crash with kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception
1111885/1108518 - Stack member goes unresponsive with soft lockup errors
1111824 - N4k Console lock after 10 days of runtime on the 12 unit stack
PSE036522 - N4000-6.3.0.x/ of band interface takes an incorrect gateway IP address
PSE037200 - Username "hivemanager" shows in the running config after upgrade from
1108121 - - N4000 Stack master crash with "traptask" when flapping interface
1108189 - - N4000 Stack master crash with "SNMPTraptask" when flapping interface for few minutes

Más información

Versión, A24

Fecha de publicación

15 ene 2017

Tipo de descarga





Dell Technologies recomienda aplicar esta actualización durante su próximo ciclo de actualizaciones programadas. La actualización recoge cambios para mantener el estado general del sistema. Garantiza que el software del sistema esté actualizado y que sea compatible con otros módulos del sistema (firmware, BIOS, controladores y software) y puede incluir otras funciones nuevas.
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Formato de archivo: Un archivo de texto que contiene información sobre correcciones y mejoras pensadas para el cliente
Nombre de archivo: N2000ReadMev6.3.1.13a24.txt
Tamaño de archivo: 3.16 KB
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Información adicional

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1071696 - Unable to copy files from tftp server to application area of the switch.
1085660 - Missing SNMP OID's in v6.3.0.x
PSE036473/PSE037185 - Switch crash with ARP Timer and emWeb tasks
PSE036768 - N3000 Switch crashes "lldpTask" when it receives LLDP packet with TLV length of 75
PSE032494/PSE035915 - N4032F- Configurations missing after save and reload.
PSE037246,PSE036993,PSE037018,PSE037343 - SSH stops responding after few weeks
1107646 - N4000-Stack Master crash with kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception
1111885/1108518 - Stack member goes unresponsive with soft lockup errors
1111824 - N4k Console lock after 10 days of runtime on the 12 unit stack
PSE036522 - N4000-6.3.0.x/ of band interface takes an incorrect gateway IP address
PSE037200 - Username "hivemanager" shows in the running config after upgrade from
1108121 - - N4000 Stack master crash with "traptask" when flapping interface
1108189 - - N4000 Stack master crash with "SNMPTraptask" when flapping interface for few minutes

Dell N2024
Dell N2024P
Dell N2048
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(1) Download the zip file -
(2) Extract the image file "N3000_N2000v6.3.1.13.stk" from the zip file
(3) Install the image to the switch by following the upgrade procedure "Upgrading Dell Networking N3000_N2000 Series Switches From Version 6.x.x.x to Firmware.pdf" extracted from zip file.

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