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Dell EMC VxRail: Alarm for Registration/Unregistration of third-party IO filter storage providers fails

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VxRail alarm for Registration/Unregistration of third-party IO filter storage providers fails
IO Filter are shown offline for the affected node within vCenter Storage Providers
You may find the below messages showing that SSL certs are not being verified for the hosts in the Ofiltervpd logs. 

ESXi :  /var/log/iofiltervpd.log
2019-03-07T04:12:50Z iofiltervpd[2099744]: IOFVPSSL_VerifySSLCertificate:239:Client certificate can't be verified
2019-03-07T04:13:00Z iofiltervpd[2099744]: IOFVPSSL_VerifySSLCertificate:239:Client certificate can't be verified
2019-03-07T04:13:00Z iofiltervpd[2099744]: IOFVPSSL_VerifySSLCertificate:239:Client certificate can't be verified
2019-03-07T04:13:10Z iofiltervpd[2099744]: IOFVPSSL_VerifySSLCertificate:239:Client certificate can't be verified
2019-03-07T04:13:20Z iofiltervpd[2099744]: IOFVPSSL_VerifySSLCertificate:239:Client certificate can't be verified

Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.


The IO Filter is not correctly registered with the Host Certificate.


Follow the below steps to resolve this issue :  
  • Put the host in Maintenance mode with Ensure Accessibility 
  • Take a backup of the current cert file  /etc/vmware/ssl/castore.pem  ( by running: cp  /etc/vmware/ssl/castore.pem  /etc/vmware/ssl/castore.pem.backup ) 
  • Copy the file /etc/vmware/ssl/castore.pem from a working host to the affected hosts (Alternatively you can use scp or winscp to upload a copy of the file directly to /etc/vmware/ssl/)  
  • Run the command to replace the older file with newer one : cp /tmp/castore.pem /etc/vmware/ssl/castore.pem 
  • Reboot the hosts  
  • Follow the above steps for all affected hosts
  • The providers should show as "online" in vCenter > Configure > Storage Providers.


Betroffenes Produkt

VxRail Appliance Family


VxRail Appliance Family

Letztes Veröffentlichungsdatum

20 Nov. 2020



