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Resolving Password Issues in Windows 7

Zusammenfassung: Learn how to use a password reset disk to reset your Windows 7 password.

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This article helps to resolve password issues with Microsoft Windows 7. 

    Click below to change the operating system.


    Table of Contents:

    1. Resetting your password - support video
    2. Create a Password Reset Disk
    3. Use the Password Reset Disk
    4. Resolve Error: The User Profile Service Failed the Logon
    5. If You do not have a Password Reset Disk

    Video guide to resetting your password

    Video - Reset Windows 7 Password (In English only) 

    Create a Password Reset Disk

    To create a password reset disk using a floppy disk or USB key, refer to Microsoft knowledge base article, "How to Create a Password Reset Disk in Windows Vista."

    Anyone can use this disk to access your account on this computer. Store the disk in a secure but accessible location..

    Use a Password Reset Disk

    The easiest way to recover from a lost password situation is to use a password reset disk SLN170376_en_US__1iC_External_Link_BD_v1. If you have a reset disk, follow these steps:

    1. At the Windows login screen, click Reset password.
    2. Insert the recovery diskette or USB key.
    3. Follow the instructions on-screen to create a password.
    4. Log in to the account using your new password.
    Password reset disks are valid for the account they were created on. If you use a password reset disk to recover your password, you do not need to create another reset disk afterwards.

    Resolve Error: The User Profile Service Failed the Logon

    Microsoft Knowledge Base Article provides instructions on how to resolve "The User Profile Service Failed the Logon. User profile cannot be loaded" error.SLN170376_en_US__1iC_External_Link_BD_v1.

    If You do not have a Password Reset Disk

    If you have lost or forgotten your password, and a password reset disk is not available, reinstalling the operating system is the only recourse.


    Letztes Veröffentlichungsdatum

    21 Feb. 2021



