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Latitude 5580 with Windows 10 Education version 1703 installed experiences dim LCD

Zusammenfassung: Resolving an issue with a dim LCD on the Latitude 5580 with Windows 10 Education installed.

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The Dell Latitude 5580 laptop may experience an issue with the LCD dimming on boot when the Windows 10 Education (version 1703) operating system is installed. Follow the steps provided in this article to resolve this issue.

Latitude 5580 dim LCD

The Latitude 5580 laptop with the Microsoft Windows 10 Education (version 1703) operating system installed may experience an issue with the LCD dimming on boot. The LCD will appear to dim around 50% of the original brightness when the laptop is rebooted.

Upgrading the Windows 10 Education operating system to version 1709 (also referred to as the Fall Creators Update) or later version will resolve this issue. For information on how to upgrade Windows 10 to the latest version, reference the following Microsoft Support article: Windows 10 UpdateSLN307932_en_US__1iC_External_Link_BD_v1 .

Additional information concerning this issue can also be located at the following Microsoft Community forum: Screen brightness after Creators UpdateSLN307932_en_US__1iC_External_Link_BD_v1.




Refer to Symptoms section.


Betroffenes Produkt

Latitude 5580

Letztes Veröffentlichungsdatum

16 Feb. 2024



