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DRAC - Multiple Reboots Can Cause IPMI Command Errors, Lifecycle Recovery Mode, and "SWC0700: iDRAC is not ready" with iDRAC7 Firmware 1.30.30

Zusammenfassung: When a Dell PowerEdge server with iDRAC7 on firmware 1.30.30 ends up in LifeCycle recovery mode with error message SWC0700: iDRAC is not ready, a power drain solves the issue.

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This article provides information on multiple reboots can cause IPMI command errors, Lifecycle recovery mode, and SWC0700: iDRAC is not ready with iDRAC7 firmware 1.30.30.


With iDRAC7 version 1.30.30 multiple reboots can cause IPMI command errors, Lifecycle recovery mode and "SWC0700: iDRAC is not ready". 

If F1/F2 prompt is enabled in the BIOS, the system will stop.


To clear the error:
  1. unplug PSU cables
  2. press the power button for at least 30 few seconds to drain the electricity in the server
  3. Allow the iDrac to post before powering server on.

Once done, plug the power cable and update the iDRAC firmware to 1.31.30 or greater, which can be downloaded on in the Drivers & Downloads section on dell.com/support.

If you still getting the error please refer to PowerEdge: iDRAC Recovery Procedure with firmimg.d7 HOW12633  






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Letztes Veröffentlichungsdatum

08 Okt. 2021



