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Artikelnummer: 000186134

DSA-2021-096: Dell Wyse Windows Embedded System Security Update for an Improper Authorization Vulnerability

Zusammenfassung: Dell Wyse Windows Embedded System (WIE10 LTSC 2019) Security update contains remediation for an improper authorization vulnerability.





Proprietary Code CVE Description CVSS Base Score CVSS Vector String
CVE-2021- 21552 Dell Wyse Windows Embedded System versions WIE10 LTSC 2019 and earlier contain an improper authorization vulnerability. A local authenticated malicious user with low privileges may potentially exploit this vulnerability to bypass the restricted environment and perform unauthorized actions on the affected system. 5.2 CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N
Proprietary Code CVE Description CVSS Base Score CVSS Vector String
CVE-2021- 21552 Dell Wyse Windows Embedded System versions WIE10 LTSC 2019 and earlier contain an improper authorization vulnerability. A local authenticated malicious user with low privileges may potentially exploit this vulnerability to bypass the restricted environment and perform unauthorized actions on the affected system. 5.2 CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N
Dell Technologies empfiehlt allen Kunden, sowohl die CVSS-Gesamtbewertung als auch alle relevanten zeitlichen und umweltbezogenen Bewertungen zu berücksichtigen, die sich auf den potenziellen Schweregrad einer bestimmten Sicherheitsschwachstelle auswirken können.

Betroffene Produkte und Problembehebung

Product Affected Versions Updated Versions Link to Update  

Dell Wyse 5070 Thin Client

Versions WIE10 LTSC 2019 and earlier

Security Update

 Dell Wyse 5070 Thin Client


Dell Wyse 5470 Thin Client

Versions WIE10 LTSC 2019 and earlier

Security Update

 Dell Wyse 5470 Thin Client


Dell Wyse 5470 All-In-One Thin Client

Versions WIE10 LTSC 2019 and earlier

Security Update

 Dell Wyse 5470 All-In-One Thin Client

Product Affected Versions Updated Versions Link to Update  

Dell Wyse 5070 Thin Client

Versions WIE10 LTSC 2019 and earlier

Security Update

 Dell Wyse 5070 Thin Client


Dell Wyse 5470 Thin Client

Versions WIE10 LTSC 2019 and earlier

Security Update

 Dell Wyse 5470 Thin Client


Dell Wyse 5470 All-In-One Thin Client

Versions WIE10 LTSC 2019 and earlier

Security Update

 Dell Wyse 5470 All-In-One Thin Client



Dell would like to thank Alessandro Baldini and Alessio D'Anastasio for reporting this issue.


1.02021-05-11Initial Release

Zugehörige Informationen


Betroffenes Produkt

Product Security Information, Wyse 5070 Thin Client, Wyse 5470 All-In-One, Wyse 5470

Letztes Veröffentlichungsdatum

18 Juni 2021


Dell Security Advisory