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Alienware AW3423DW or AW3423DWF Monitor Pixel Refresh Automatic Warning Message Appears Every Four Hours

Zusammenfassung: An Alienware AW3423DW or AW3423DWF monitor may receive pixel refresh automatic warning messages every four hours.

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Users see a warning message on-screen to perform a pixel refresh every four hours. Pixel refresh lasts a few minutes, but less than ten minutes. The power button flashes green and then changes to power off or stand-by mode (depending on the firmware version) once complete.

Affected Products:

  • Alienware 34 Curved OLED Monitor AW3423DW
  • Alienware 34 Curved QD OLED Gaming Monitor AW3423DWF


Pixel refresh is a known feature for all OLED monitors to prevent screen from image retention.


Follow the resolution for the firmware version that is installed on your monitor to disable the pixel refresh warning.

Check the firmware version installed on your monitor from the on-screen display (OSD) menu (Figure 1). Use the joystick at the bottom of the monitor to make OSD adjustments (Figure 2). From the OSD, go to Others and then Display Info to identify the firmware version installed.

Checking the firmware version
Figure 1: Checking the firmware version

Joystick at the bottom of the monitor
Figure 2: Joystick at the bottom of the monitor

Firmware version M0B102 and later

The on-screen display menu can enable and disable the pixel refresh warning.

  1. From the on-screen display, select Others.
  2. Select OLED Panel Maintenance.
  3. Select Auto Warning Message.
  4. Select Off to disable the pixel refresh auto warning message.

Firmware M0B102 pixel refresh options
Figure 3: Firmware M0B102 pixel refresh options

Firmware version M0B101

Users can select Proceed and do not show this message again using the joystick at the bottom of the monitor when the message appears. Once this is selected, the monitor performs a pixel refresh immediately. The pixel refresh takes about 7 minutes. After the pixel refresh, the message does not appear again unless a factory reset is performed on the monitor.

The monitor still performs a pixel refresh once it is turned off after a cumulative usage of four hours.

Firmware M0B101 pixel refresh warning
Figure 4: Firmware M0B101 pixel refresh warning


Betroffenes Produkt

Alienware 34 Curved OLED Monitor AW3423DW, Alienware 34 Curved QD OLED Gaming Monitor AW3423DWF

Letztes Veröffentlichungsdatum

13 Juni 2023



