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ScaleIO: Receive error message when trying to add MDM to cluster: Status: Illegal number of IP addresses

Samenvatting: Receive error message when trying to add an MDM to a cluster or update the IP addresses: Error: MDM failed command. Status: Illegal number of IP addresses. The Primary MDM, the Secondary MDM, and the Tie-Breaker must each have the same number of IP addresses. ...

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Receive error message when trying to add an MDM to a cluster or update the IP addresses: Error: MDM failed command. Status: Illegal number of IP addresses. The Primary MDM, the Secondary MDM, and the Tie-Breaker must each have the same number of IP addresses.


It is expected that the primary MDM, secondary MDM, and tie-breaker have the same number of IP addresses


Use the following option when issuing the command: --allow_asymmetric_ips.

The full command is: scli --add_standby_mdm --mdm_role manager --new_mdm_ip <ip1>,<ip2> --allow_asymmetric_ips.

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VxFlex Product Family


VxFlex Product Family