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How to cluster Dell PowerConnect W-IAPs

Samenvatting: This article explains how to set up multiple Instant Access Points (IAP) to cluster together.

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Clustering IAPs

When IAPS are clustered together, they share the same configuration and offer the same wireless networks.
One IAP takes role as primary AP (virtual controller). If the primary fails, another IAP will take its place providing network stability.
You can configure the cluster from any of the IAP IP addresses.

The following are requirements to cluster IAPs.

  • IAPs must be in the same VLAN and subnet. IAPs will not cluster if they are in a different network from each other.
  • IAP cluster members must be from the same manufacturer. Dell PowerConnect W-IAPs only cluster with Dell PowerConnect W-IAPs, and Aruba IAPs only cluster with Aruba IAPS.
  • IAPs must belong to the same region. US IAPs will not cluster with Rest of World IAPs.
  • IAPs must be running the same code of firmware.

NOTE:  If using the same class of IAPs, such as a 105 IAP clustering with another 105 IAP, they should synchronize the firmware automatically.
If using different classes such as a 105 IAP with a 225 IAP, you will need to manually update at least one IAP of each model.


If all of these conditions are met, IAPs will cluster automatically with each other by default.  If powered on and able to reach each other, the IAPs will automatically cluster and choose their preferred primary AP, which acts as virtual controller. The first IAP to power on will act as primary AP. If you wish to alter which IAP acts as primary AP, perform the following before clustering.

  1. Click the access point in the web GUI.
  2. Click the Edit link
  3. In the General tab, under preferred primary, select Enabled.
  4. This IAP will then become primary AP and propagate its configuration to all other access points in the cluster.

If IAPs do not cluster together, ensure that auto join mode is not disabled (it is enabled by default).

  1. Navigate to System General > Show advanced options
  2. Select Enabled from Auto join mode if not already done
  3. Click ok

Getroffen producten

W-IAP104/105, W-IAP108/109, W-IAP114/115, W-IAP134/135, W-IAP155/155P, W-IAP175P/AC, W-IAP224/225, W-IAP274/275, W-IAP3WN/P, W-IAP92/93