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DSA-2023-144: Dell PowerFlex Appliance Security Update for Multiple Third-Party Component Vulnerabilities

Samenvatting: Dell PowerFlex Appliance remediation is available for multiple security vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious users to compromise the affected system.

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Third-party Component CVEs More Information
Intel 500 Series Adapters CVE-2022-36416, CVE-2022-36797 INTEL-SA-00750This hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies.
Intel 710 Series Adapters CVE-2021-33126 INTEL-SA-00593This hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies.
ESXi CVE-2022-31705 VMSA-2022-0033This hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies.
Dell PowerEdge Server BIOS CVE-2022-36794, CVE-2022-30539, CVE-2022-32231, CVE-2022-26837, CVE-2022-30704, CVE-2021-0187, CVE-2022-26343, CVE-2022-36348, CVE-2022-33196, CVE-2022-33972, CVE-2022-21216, CVE-2022-38090 DSA-2023-014
ESXi CVE-2022-31696 VMSA-2022-0030This hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies.
vCenter Server CVE-2022-31697 VMSA-2022-0030This hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies.
Cisco Switches CVE-2023-20050 hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies.
Dell PowerEdge Server BIOS CVE-2021-46769, CVE-2021-26354, CVE-2021-26371, CVE-2021-26379, CVE-2021-46763, CVE-2021-46756, CVE-2021-46764, CVE-2021-26356, CVE-2021-26406, CVE-2021-46775, CVE-2023-20524, CVE-2021-46762, CVE-2022-23818, CVE-2021-26397, CVE-2023-20520 DSA-2023-105

Dell Technologies raadt aan dat alle klanten rekening houden met zowel de basisscore van CVSS als alle relevante tijdelijke en omgevingsscores die gevolgen kunnen hebben voor de mogelijke ernst van de specifieke beveiligingsproblemen.

Getroffen producten en herstel

Product Software/Firmware  Affected Versions  Remediated Versions Link
PowerFlex Appliance  Intelligent Catalogue Versions prior to 38.363.02   Version 38.363.02
Product Software/Firmware  Affected Versions  Remediated Versions Link
PowerFlex Appliance  Intelligent Catalogue Versions prior to 38.363.02   Version 38.363.02

Tijdelijke oplossingen en risicobeperking



Revision  Date Description
1.0 2023-04-28 Initial Release
2.0 2023-05-21 Added CVEs impacted 
3.02023-09-01Updated for enhanced presentation with no changes to content.

Verwante informatie

Getroffen producten

PowerFlex Appliance, PowerFlex appliance Intelligent Catalog Software