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Dell Update Packages User's Guide

Getting Started

A Dell Update Package (DUP) is a self-contained executable in a standard package format that updates a single software element on the system.

Using DUPs, you can update a wide range of system components and apply scripts to similar sets of Dell systems to bring the system components to the same version levels.

  • NOTE: On Dell’s 12th and 13th generation of PowerEdge servers, iDRAC and Lifecycle Controller has common DUP update.
  • NOTE: OS Collector inventory and update support available with Dell’s 12th and 13th generation of PowerEdge servers.
You can use DUPs to:
  • Apply an individual update to a system by using an interactive command line interface (CLI).
  • Install device drivers in interactive and non-interactive modes.
  • Execute multiple updates on the system by using a script comprised of non‑interactive commands that you write using the CLI feature.
  • Leverage the scheduling of your operating system and software distribution utilities to apply updates remotely to any number of systems.

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