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Dell PowerEdge C4130 Owner's Manual

Dell PowerEdge C4130 overview

The Dell PowerEdge C4130 rack servers support up to:
  • Two Intel Xeon E5-2600 v4 processors
  • 16 DIMMs
  • Two 1.8-inch uSATA solid state drives (SSDs)
  • Four 2.5-inch hard drives (optional)
  • Two power supply units (PSUs)
  • Four graphics processing units (GPUs)

NOTE: All GPU cards must be of the same type and model. Mixing GPUs is not supported.

NOTE: The PSU 2 slot also functions as an optional 2.5 inch hard drive cage slot. If you install the optional 2.5 inch hard drives, your system does not support the PSU redundancy feature.

NOTE: Systems with NVLink board configuration do not support the optional 2.5 inch hard drive cage. Both the PSUs work simultaneously, and your system does not support the PSU redundancy feature.

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