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Dell Storage with Microsoft Storage Spaces Best Practices Guide


Cluster shared volumes cache

CSV cache allows you to allocate disk space on the storage node for a write-through cache. If you are using Microsoft Storage Spaces with storage tiers, the CSV cache is not used and is not configured.

For a Scale-Out File Server configuration, if you have VDs that are not using storage tiers or you are using VDs with parity resiliency then Dell recommends that you enable CSV cache. For optimal performance, the recommendation is to allocate 50 percent of the storage node memory for the CSV cache.

Run the following PowerShell command to set the CSV cache disk space.

(Get-Cluster).BlockCacheSize = <sizeInMB>

For example, using a 4x4 configuration with four DSMS 630 as the storage nodes. Each storage node has 128 GB of RAM. CSV cache should be set to 64 GB.

(Get-Cluster).BlockCacheSize = 65536

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