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Dell Command | Monitor Version 9.1 Reference Guide


Getting BIOS settings

Below is a sample VBScript to get the current list of BIOS Settings on a client system.


'*** Name: SampleGetBBIOSSettings.vbs

'*** Purpose: To get the current list of BIOS Settings on a Dell OMCI 8.0 client.

'*** Usage: cscript.exe /nologo SampleGetBBIOSSettings.vbs <systemname>

'*** This sample script is provided as an example only, and has not been

'*** tested, nor is warranted in any way by Dell; Dell disclaims any

'*** liability in connection therewith. Dell provides no technical

'*** support with regard to such scripting. For more information on WMI

'*** scripting, refer to applicable Microsoft documentation.


'*** Declare variables

Dim objWMIService 
Dim strComputerName 
Dim strNameSpace
Dim strClassName 
Dim ColSystem 
Dim fso
Dim txtfile 
Dim outString
Dim iTKVal 
Dim ArrayItem
Dim objInstance 
Dim strSpecialTK1 
Dim strSpecialTK2

'*** Check that the right executable was used to run the script

'*** and that all parameters were passed

If (LCase(Right(WScript.FullName, 11)) = "wscript.exe" ) Or _ 
(Wscript.Arguments.Count < 1) Then 
Call Usage()
End If

'*** Initialize variables

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strComputerName = WScript.Arguments(0) 
outString = "" 
strNameSpace = "root/dcim/sysman"
strClassName = "DCIM_BIOSEnumeration" 
strSpecialTK1 = "Auto On Hour"
strSpecialTK2 = "Auto On Minute"
iTKVal = -1
ArrayItem = 0 

'*** Establish a connection to the dcim\sysman namespace

'*** Retrieve the instance of DCIM_BIOSEnumeration class

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate," &_ 
AuthenticationLevel=pktprivacy}\\" & strComputerName & "\" &_ 

'*** Set up the output file

set txtfile = fso.Createtextfile("BIOS_Output.csv", true)
Set ColSystem=objWMIService.execquery ("Select * from " & strClassName) 
outString = "" 
For each objInstance in ColSystem

'*** Check every instance

iTKVal = objInstance.Properties_.Item("CurrentValue").Value(0)

'*** Auto On Hour and Auto On Minutes don't have PossibleValues and PossibleValuesDescription properties

if (objInstance.AttributeName <> strSpecialTK1) and (objInstance.AttributeName <> strSpecialTK2) Then
For Each element in objInstance.Properties_.Item("PossibleValues").Value 
if (objInstance.Properties_.Item("PossibleValues").Value(ArrayItem) = iTKVal) Then
outString = outString & objInstance.AttributeName & ", " & (objInstance.Properties_.Item
("PossibleValuesDescription").Value(ArrayItem)) & VbCrLf  
end if 
ArrayItem = ArrayItem + 1 

'*** Auto On Hour and Auto On Minutes token copy the current value directly

outString = outString & objInstance.AttributeName & ", " &iTKVal & VbCrLf 
end if 
ArrayItem = 0
txtfile.WriteLine outString 

'*** Close the file


'*** If any errors occurred, let the user know

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Enabling Trusted Platform Module failed." 
End If 

'*** Sub used to display the correct usage of the script

Sub Usage() 
Dim strMessage 
strMessage = "incorrect syntax. You should run: " & vbCRLF & _ 
"cscript.exe /nologo SampleGetBIOSSettings.vbs <systemname>"
WScript.Echo strMessage
WScript.Echo strMessage 
End Sub


' End


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