
Cloud Services Terms

  • Results for "Cloud Services Terms"
  1. Cloud Service Offerings Agreement (CSOA)

    Global landing page for the Cloud Service Offerings Agreement (CSOA) translations

  2. Cloud Service Offerings Agreement (CSOA) - Information Security Measures Addendum

    Global landing page for the Cloud Service Offerings Agreement (CSOA) - Information Security Measures Addendum.

  3. Acceptable Use Policy

    This Dell Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”) applies when it is incorporated by reference into a Dell company’s terms and conditions.

  4. Cloud Service Offerings Agreement (CSOA) - Data Processing Addendum

    Global landing page for the Cloud Service Offerings Agreement (CSOA) - Data Processing Addendum terms

  5. Dell EMC Cloud Snapshot Manager Supplemental Terms

    Dell EMC Cloud Snapshot Manager (Supplemental Terms to the Dell Technologies Cloud Services Terms of Service).

  6. Dell APEX Navigator for Multicloud Storage - Service Offering Description

    The Dell APEX Navigator for Multicloud Storage- Service Offering Description supplements the Cloud Service Offerings Agreement that govern the Services as described herein.

  7. Cloud Service Offerings Agreement - Information Security Measures Addendum

    These measures, in conjunction with the security measures outlined in the applicable Service Offering Description, are Dell’s only responsibility with respect to the security of the Service Offering.

  8. Cloud Service Offerings Agreement

    The Cloud Service Offerings Agreement applies to the Service Offerings, including Evaluation Services, ordered by you, on behalf of your company and will be binding on You and the Dell Technologies entity which invoices You for the Service Offerings when Dell makes any of these available for Your use.

  9. Acceptable Use Policy

    The Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is available in the languages listed on this page.

  10. Cloud Service Offerings Agreement - Data Processing Addendum

    This Data Processing Addendum to the Agreement shall apply where the provision of cloud services offerings under the Cloud Service Offerings Agreement by Dell to you involves the Processing of Personal Data.