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Reset, backup, and restore on the Dell Venue 7 and Venue 8 tablets

Zusammenfassung: Refer to the information on how to reset the Operating System on the Dell Venue 7 or Venue 8 tablet.

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Table of Contents:

  1. Backup and Restore
  2. Hard Reset

Refer to the information on how to reset the Operating System on the Dell Venue 7 or Venue 8 tablet.
Among the functions you can perform are an operating system reboot, backup and restore your data, or restore your tablet to factory condition.

1: Backup and Restore

First of all, if you can access the tablet operating system, you probably want to backup your data using the Google cloud.

  1. From the home page, touch the Apps icon in the center of the bottom row to access all your apps (Figure 1).

    SLN268392_en_US__1Apps Icon
    Figure 1: Apps Icon

  • Touch the Settings icon (Figure 2 or 3); you may have to swipe to the second page of Apps.
    SLN268392_en_US__21378929999275.wifi02 or SLN268392_en_US__3Settings_Screenshot
    Figure 2 and 3: Setting Icons

  • On the left side, scroll down to the Personal section and touch Backup & reset.

  • By default, Back up my data and Automatic restore should already be checked. If they are not, touch them to make the check mark appear. This will assure that your data will be backed up to the Google cloud and restored when you do a factory reset.

  • When you are assured of having your data backed up, touch Factory Data Reset and then touch Reset tablet. You will get a warning that this process will erase all your personal information and downloaded apps. If you are sure, touch Erase everything to continue. Your tablet will now restore the operating system to factory condition. This process may take several minutes.

  • When the process is complete, you will be prompted to go through the entire start up process exactly as you did the first time you turned the tablet on. You will be given the option to restore your backed up data from the Google cloud.
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    2: Hard Reset

    1. Press and hold the power button for at least 10 seconds. The tablet will power itself off during this time.

  • Start the tablet normally. It should boot to the Android operating system in the normal fashion.
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Betroffenes Produkt

Venue 3730, Venue 3736, Venue 3740, Venue 3741, Venue 3830, Venue 3840

Letztes Veröffentlichungsdatum

21 Feb. 2021



