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Unable to achieve 2560 x 1600 resolution on 3007WFP or 3008 WFP 30 inch LCD Display connected to an E-Port Plus I/II docking solution

Zusammenfassung: Unable to achieve 2560 x 1600 resolution on 3007WFP or 3008 WFP 30" LCD Display connected to an E-Port Plus docking solution.

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2560 x 1600 resolution is not available 

System users attempting to connect a Dell 3007 (30") LCD display on E series systems through an ePort docking solution will experience the following issue: the monitor will display video, but the maximum resolution of 2560 x 1600 cannot be reached.




DVI ports are single link DVI

The DVI ports on both the ePort I/II and ePort Plus I/II have only single link DVI connections limited to a max resolution of 1920 x 1200. (The DVI connectors are dual Link type, but the ports are wired SINGLE-LINK ONLY)

A 3007WFP display will only present a resolution of 1280 x 800 due to the lack of scaling capability, Dual Link  DVI connections are required for a 2560 x 1600 display. To accomplish this, since the 3007WFP lacks DisplayPort input, a Dual Link DP to DVI adapter is required (Figure 1).

SLN245770_en_US__11321849053440.Active Dongle
Figure 1: Example of Dual Link DP to DVI adapter

A 3008WFP display has DisplayPort capability and connecting using a DisplayPort to DisplayPort cable is the preferred solution. The 3008WFP will display 1920 x1200 resolution via single link DVI.

Note: The HDMI port on the 3008WFP display is HDMI 1.1 which has a maximum display resolution of 1920 x 1080.


Betroffenes Produkt

Dell 3007WFP-HC, Dell 3008WFP, E-Port, E-Port Plus

Letztes Veröffentlichungsdatum

20 Mai 2021



