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Server Administrator Version 7.4 Messages Reference Guide


Memory Events

The memory modules can be configured in different ways in particular systems. These messages monitor the status, warning, and configuration information about the memory modules in the system.

Table 1. Memory Events
Event Message Severity Cause
Memory RAID redundancy degraded. Warning This event is generated when there is a memory failure in a RAID-configured memory configuration.
Memory RAID redundancy lost. Critical This event is generated when redundancy is lost in a RAID-configured memory configuration.
Memory RAID redundancy regained. Information This event is generated when the redundancy lost or degraded earlier is regained in a RAID-configured memory configuration.
Memory Mirrored redundancy degraded. Warning This event is generated when there is a memory failure in a mirrored memory configuration.
Memory Mirrored redundancy lost. Critical This event is generated when redundancy is lost in a mirrored memory configuration.
Memory Mirrored redundancy regained. Information This event is generated when the redundancy lost or degraded earlier is regained in a mirrored memory configuration.
Memory Spared redundancy degraded. Warning This event is generated when there is a memory failure in a spared memory configuration.
Memory Spared redundancy lost. Critical This event is generated when redundancy is lost in a spared memory configuration.
Memory Spared redundancy regained. Information This event is generated when the redundancy lost or degraded earlier is regained in a spared memory configuration.
Memory RAID is redundant. Information This event is generated when the memory redundancy mode has change to RAID redundant.
Memory RAID redundancy is lost. Check memory device at location(s) <DIMM number>. Critical This event is generated when redundancy is lost in a RAID-configured memory configuration.
Memory RAID redundancy is degraded. Check memory device at location(s) <DIMM number >. Warning This event is generated when there is a memory failure in a RAID-configured memory configuration.
Memory is not redundant. Information This event is generated when the memory redundancy mode has change to nonredundant.
Memory mirror is redundant. Information This event is generated when the memory redundancy mode has change to mirror redundant.
Memory mirror redundancy is lost. Check memory device at location(s) <DIMM number>. Critical This event is generated when redundancy is lost in a mirror-configured memory configuration.
Memory mirror redundancy is degraded. Check memory device at location <DIMM number >. Warning This event is generated when there is a memory failure in a mirror-configured memory configuration.
Memory spare is redundant. Information This event is generated when the memory redundancy mode has change to spare redundant.
Memory spare redundancy is lost. Check memory device at location <DIMM number>. Critical This event is generated when redundancy is lost in a sparer-configured memory configuration.
Memory spare redundancy is degraded. Check memory device at location <DIMM number>. Warning This event is generated when there is a memory failure in a spare-configured memory configuration.

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