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Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Version 7.3 Command Line Interface Guide

PDISKID=<connector:enclosureID:targetID | connector:targetID>

PDISKID=<connector:enclosureID:targetID | connector:targetID>

Use this parameter to specify the physical disks to be included in the virtual disk.

When reconfiguring a virtual disk, you must specify all physical disks to include in the reconfigured virtual disk. The physical disk specification applies to physical disks in the original virtual disk and continues in the reconfigured virtual disk and to any new physical disks being added to the reconfigured virtual disk. Some controllers allow you to remove a physical disk from a virtual disk. In this case, do not specify to remove the physical disk.

The pdisk=<PDISKID> parameter indicates a physical disk by specifying either connector:enclosureID:targetID or connector:targetID .

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