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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 Installation Guide


Preparing Windows PE Environment for Deployment

If you are using the Windows PE environment:
  1. Copy or extract DTK utilities, sample scripts, sample configuration files, and drivers provided (in the zip file) to the Windows PE image.
  2. Organize DTK utilities, script files, configuration files, the operating system installation files, and the requisite system files and drivers on a network share or local media.
  3. Set up a Source System by using the Dell Systems Build and Update Utility (to install your operating system) and the Systems Service and Diagnostics Tools (to load drivers). The Source System acts as a master server that is used to replicate settings to the Target Servers.
    • NOTE: You can also download the latest drivers from the Dell Support website at
  4. Generate a system BIOS, BMC, RAID, and/or RAC/iDRAC configuration profile from the Source System. Copy the generated configuration files to a read/write share on the workstation or server.
    • NOTE: You can obtain the system BIOS, BMC, RAID, and/or RAC/iDRAC configuration files by booting from DTK Windows PE image and running the SYSCAP.BAT, RAIDCAP.BAT, and RACCAP.BAT scripts.
  5. Create an operating system answer file that contains unattended operating system software installation information.
  6. To set up the system BIOS, BMC, RAID, and RAC/iDRAC and then, install an operating system on a Target Server, edit DTK sample script files that access the system configuration files.

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