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Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Version 7.3 User's Guide

Setting Alert Actions In Microsoft Windows Server 2003 And Windows Server 2008

When specifying alert actions, Visual Basic scripts are not automatically interpreted by the Execute Application feature, although you can run a .cmd, .com, .bat, or .exe file by only specifying the file as the alert action.

To resolve this issue, first call the command processor cmd.exe to start your script. For example, the alert action value to execute an application can be set as follows:

c:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe /c d:\example\example1.vbs

where d:\example\example1.vbs is the full path to the script file.

Do not set a path to an interactive application (an application that has a graphical user interface or which requires user input) in the absolute path to the application field. The interactive application may not work as expected on some operating systems.

  • NOTE: You must specify the full path for both the cmd.exe and script files.
  • NOTE: Microsoft Windows 2003 is not supported on 12G systems.

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