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  • Na firmowej stronie administracji możesz zarządzać witrynami, produktami i danymi kontaktowymi firmy Dell EMC.

Server Administrator Version 7.4 Installation Guide

Using The Shell Script To Perform The Installation In Interactive Mode

This installation procedure uses the to prompt you for the installation of specific components.
  1. Log in as root to the system running the supported operating system where you want to install the managed system components.
  2. Insert the Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD into the DVD drive.
  3. Mount the DVD, if required.
  4. Navigate to <OM DVD mount point>/SYSMGMT/srvadmin/linux/supportscripts.
  5. Execute the script with the sh command and accept the terms of the end-user license agreement. Executing the command displays a list of component options. If any of the components are already installed, then those components are listed separately with a check mark next to them. The Server Administrator installation options are displayed.
  6. Press <c>to copy, <i> to install, <r> to reset and start over, or <q> to quit. If you press <c>, you are prompted to enter the absolute destination path. When the installation is complete, the script has an option for starting the services.
  7. Press <y>to start the services or <Enter> to exit.

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