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Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Version 7.3 User's Guide

Editing Server Administrator User Privileges On Linux Operating Systems

  • NOTE: You must be logged in as root or an equivalent user to perform the following procedures.
  1. Open the omarolemap file located at /opt/dell/srvadmin/etc/omarolemap.
  2. Add the following in the file: < User_Name>[Tab]< Host_Name>[Tab]< Rights>
    The following table lists the legend for adding the role definition to the omarolemap file
    Table 1. Legend for adding the role definition in OpenManage Server Administrator
    <User_Name> <Host_Name> <Rights>
    User Name Host Name Administrator
    (+) Group Name Domain User
    Wildcard (*) Wildcard (*) User
    [Tab] = \t (tab character)    

    The following table lists the examples for adding the role definition to the omarolemap file.

    Table 2. Examples for adding the role definition in OpenManage Server Administrator
    <User_Name> <Host_Name> <Rights>
    Bob Ahost Poweruser
    + root Bhost Administrator
    + root Chost Administrator
    Bob *.aus.amer.com Poweruser
    Mike Poweruser
  3. Save and close the file.

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