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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 Command Line Interface Reference Guide


Creating A Partition Using UPINIT

The size of the virtual disk where a utility partition is to be created must be a minimum of 8 GB.
UPINIT performs the following steps:
  • Ensures that the UP image file is present and readable.
  • Ensures that no partitions are present on the target disk.
  • Creates a utility partition of type Dell Utility (DE). If there is an existing UP, UPINIT does not create a new one. It only updates the existing UP. If no UP is found, UPINIT exits.
  • Updates the boot sector with the UP boot sector image. If required, it updates the master boot record as well.
  • Mounts the partition.
  • Uncompresses the UP file onto the UP image.
  • Unmounts the partition.
  • NOTE: On Windows PE, UPINIT runs as a batch file. In Linux, it runs as a shell script that uses standard Linux commands to accomplish the same tasks as done by the Windows PE UPINIT utility. Both command lines are identical and the output of the two utilities are identical when the same image is used.


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