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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 Command Line Interface Reference Guide


SYSCFG Options For State Configuration

The following table lists all valid options and arguments along with a description of the expected behavior of each option.

  • NOTE: Some of the following options or arguments are not available on all systems.
Table 1. SYSCFG Options and Arguments for State Configuration
Option Valid Arguments Description
-b or --byte < string>

Specifies a value to write to state data. The format of the argument must be in decimal format unless the -x option is given. If the -x option is given, the value is interpreted as hexadecimal format. The value can optionally contain 0x. The decimal range is 0–255, and the hexadecimal range is 0x00–0xFF.


A:>syscfg -b 1
The state byte has been set to 1.
A:>syscfg -b 2 -x
The state byte has been set to 0x02.
-r or --read*
  • NOTE: The asterisk is not part of the command syntax.

Reads the value of state data. When used with the -x option, the value is reported in hexadecimal format (0xNN).


A:>sysfg -r -x
The state byte has been set to 0x02.
A:>syscfg -r
The state byte has been set to 2.
-x or --hex None

Specifies that a value should be in hexadecimal format.


A:>sysfg -r -x
The state byte has been set to 0x01.
A:>sysfg -x -b 0x02
The state byte has been set to 0x02.	


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