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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 Command Line Interface Reference Guide



Table 1. lancfgparams options
Option Sub-option Valid Arguments Description Applicable Systems
lancfgparams or lcp    

Configures and displays LAN configuration parameters. This option can be replicated.

All PowerEdge systems
  --ipaddrsrc static, dhcp

Sets the IP address source for the LAN channel. This sub-option can be replicated.

  --ipaddress < ipaddress>

Sets the IP address for the LAN channel. This sub-option cannot be replicated.

  --subnetmask < subnetmask> Sets the subnet mask for the LAN channel. This sub-option can be replicated.  
  --gateway < gateway> Sets the gateway for the LAN channel. This sub-option can be replicated.  
  --commstring < string> Sets the community string (maximum of 16 printable ASCII characters) used in a platform event trap (PET). This sub-option can be replicated.  
  --destipaddr < ipaddress>

Sets the destination IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the alert destination specified with the alertdest sub-option.

The destipaddr sub-option is dependent on the alertdest suboption. If the alertdest sub-option is not specified on the command line, the first alert destination ( alertdest=1) is set with this IP address or FQDN. This sub-option can be replicated.

Example 1 (to set the destination IP address):
A:>syscfg lcp --alertdest=1 --destipaddr=
Example 2 (to set the destination IP address as FQDN):
A:>syscfg lcp --alertdest=1 --destipaddr=xxx.yyy.com
  • NOTE: FQDN is applicable only for destipaddr option and is supported only on PowerEdge 12G systems.
  --alertdest 1, 2, 3, 4 Sets the destination for the LAN alert. This sub-option can be replicated.  
  --vlantag enable, disable Enables or disables VLAN tagging. This sub-option can be replicated.  
  --vlanid < string> Sets the 12-bit VLAN ID. This sub-option can be replicated.  
  --vlanpriority 0–7 Sets the VLAN priority value. This sub-option can be replicated.  
  --macaddress NA Displays the BMC MAC address. This sub-option cannot be replicated.  
  • NOTE: This option is available only with the appropriate installed license.
shared, sharedfailover, dedicated, sharedreceiveonall Sets the operating mode of the NIC to shared, sharedfailover, dedicated, or sharedreceiveonall. Some of these options are not applicable on certain systems. This option is applicable on systems prior to PowerEdge 12G systems. The sharedreceiveonall argument is available only on PowerEdge 11G systems.
  • NOTE: This option is available only with the appropriate installed license.
dedicated, lom1, lom2, lom3, lom4 Sets the operating mode of the iDRAC7 NIC to dedicated, lom1, lom2, lom3, or lom4. Some of these options are not applicable on certain systems due to underlying hardware.
  • NOTE: This option is applicable on PowerEdge 11G systems.
  • NOTE: This option is available only with the appropriate installed license.
none, lom1, lom2, lom3, lom4, all Sets the operating mode of the NIC selection failover to none, lom1, lom2, lom3, lom4, or all. Some of these options are not applicable on certain systems. due to underlying hardware.
  • NOTE: This option is applicable on PowerEdge 12G systems.
  --fullduplex enable, disable Enables or disables full duplex on the RAC network interface.  
  --autoneg enable, disable Enables or disables autonegotiation.  
  --speed 10,100 Sets the network interface speed to 10 or 100 Mbps.  
  --dnsdhcp enable, disable Enables or disables obtaining the DNS server IP address through DHCP.  
  --dnsserver1 < ipaddress> Sets the IP address of the primary DNS server for domain name resolution.  
  --dnsserver2 < ipaddress> Sets the IP address of the secondary DNS server for domain name resolution.  
  --dnsregisterrac enable, disable Enables or disables binding of the RAC name to the IP address.  
  --dnsracname < string> Sets the name of the RAC.  
  --domainnamefromdhcp enable, disable Enables or disables getting the RAC domain name through DHCP.  
  --domainname < string>

Sets the domain name of the RAC.

Example 1 (to display the current LAN configuration settings):
A:>syscfg --lancfgparams
Example 2 (to set the LAN configuration parameters):
A:>syscfg --lancfgparams 


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