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This post is more than 5 years old


December 24th, 2016 17:00

Alienware 15-R3, Blizzard games crashing

Whats wrong with my new Alienware 15 R3? I have a tendency to crash at vary levels while playing blizzard games. Overwatch would crash relatively frequently during normal gameplay. The crashes seem to subside once I switched to full screen mode. The Overwatch crashes varied from crashing the game itself, to crashing the entire computer. The computer crashes would result in a screen freeze and buzzing sound, eventually leading to a self restart. Occassionally, this would also lead to a windows 10 blue screen; one reason being due to memory fault the other because of tcpip.sys failure. Just tried Starcraft 2 and experienced an ingame crash to which a "fatal error" resulted in game to shut down. Regardless of my settings, this computer should not be crashing for $2400. I've already tried deleting the various cache folders for the games. I've updated my cpu chipset drivers, BIOS, Sound drivers, Network Drivers, and most importantly the videocard drivers with no luck. What else can do I do? I've reinstalled these games multiple times.

14 Posts

December 25th, 2016 01:00

:Overwatch:6305.overwatch hot temps only.jpg

Witcher 37875.witcher temps only.jpg

This issue is in addition to the defective monitor on my new alienware 15 R3.  LCD is not properly sealed to bevel causing gap and light to bleed. My assigned alienware tech support rep has not gotten back to me.  It would be great to get a new replacement without these issues OR my money back. 

14 Posts

December 25th, 2016 01:00

Oh and to add to the fun.. i met the repair guy at starbucks, taking time off work, only to find out he didn't have the bevel.  good job dell

26 Posts

January 25th, 2017 19:00

Hey I'm also experiencing this issue while playing Overwatch. My laptop crashes every time that I play games and does get very hot while on my lap. I have tried lowering my games settings but this doesnt work. Also if my laptop is not plugged in, my fps drops to 10-25. Any and all help would be appreciated!! $2000 computers shouldn't be giving us these issues.

14 Posts

January 27th, 2017 21:00

I ended up returning for a full refund because the CPU overheating issue.  It was happening to quite a few people in the alienware community.  Check the Alienware forum on reddit.  

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