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This post is more than 5 years old


August 11th, 2016 23:00

Can't back up Alienware R2 15

I just got this laptop and have tried to back up the computer using several drives and several pieces of software, including Windows Backup and Alienrespawn (or whatever it is called). I have also tired third party software. Backup fails EVERY time.

After the attempt with Windows, the log noted a corruption of opencl.dll. ***?

With the other options, the backup fails because it just can't write to a file. I have tried plugging these drives into every single USB port and I always have an issue. Sometimes the drives (one of which is BRAND NEW) gets ejected randomly during the backup process.

The laptop works okay (I have other problems like the touchpad not working, giving errors, etc.) but it is immensely frustrating that I have to troubleshoot an expensive custom laptop so much after having it less than 2 weeks.

Being able to back up is crucial and the fact that I can't do that when the system is straight out of the box speaks volumes about QC.

I am at my wit's end right now and am getting ready to ship this POS back to Dell and get my money back. 

Can anyone at Alienware tel me what is going on here? 

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