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1 Rookie


29 Posts


May 13th, 2024 16:20


Vostro 3020 Tower Desktop

Vostro 3020 Tower Desktop

Hello everyone, dear supporters
My problem is a bit complex, so I will present it in detail.
I would like to legally install Windows 11 that I bought separately using a flash drive created by Microsoft's legal and official media creation tool.
I do not want to install the OEM system provided to me by DELL by using the F12 button through the BIOS.
To do this, I press the F2 button when the DELL logo appears and change the boot order so that the flash drive boots first.

The problem is that I don't see the SSD and the old partitions that exist in it.
I suspect that the problem lies in the fact that there are hidden SSD partitions that were not created by the normal operating system but by DELL.

My question is simple:
Am I allowed (by external means) to delete the above partitions so that I can see the SSD, and then recreate the partitions using the Disk On Key????
Will it work?

5 Practitioner


5.6K Posts

May 13th, 2024 17:45

In your system, Dell Vostro 3020, Dell configures operating mode of the integrated storage device controller with default=  RAID On.  Storage device is configured to support RAID. (Intel® Rapid Restore Technology).

You can either use another USB drive that contains Intel RST driver and load it during Windows installation process.  Or, you can boot into BIOS settings prior to Windows installation process and change (disable) RAID to AHCI mode.  The option is in Storage menu, under the group SATA operation.

5 Practitioner


5.6K Posts

May 13th, 2024 17:12

Unlike the old BIOS settings, you won't need to set order to boot USB for a one time use.  Just simply use F12 at boot logo and you will see the Windows 11 installation USB drive, select it and the installation process will start.  Remember to delete all partitions on the old boot drive for a proper meaning of clean install.

1 Rookie


29 Posts

May 13th, 2024 17:19

You probably didn't understand me.

I have no problem booting through the FLASH DRIVE
The problem is that I don't see the SSD on which the installation is supposed to take place

5 Practitioner


5.6K Posts

May 13th, 2024 17:33

In the BIOS settings, change SATA operation mode to AHCI or AHCI/NVME.

1 Rookie


29 Posts

May 13th, 2024 17:35

thank you for your quick response
Could you be more specific and direct me to which section of the BIOS I should access

1 Rookie


29 Posts

May 13th, 2024 17:51

Thank you again for your quick response
I will try it and report back
If it was successful - your answer will be marked as a correct answer that solved the problem

1 Rookie


29 Posts

May 13th, 2024 18:28

You really helped me a lot
Now that I have made the changes from RAID ON mode to AHCI mode - I can see the SSD which is the installation target
Now I can delete all the old partitions and start a really clean install.
Thank you for your help
Your answer will be marked as a correct answer that solved the problem
My whole goal is to install a clean installation without all the accompanying DELL software

5 Practitioner


5.6K Posts

May 13th, 2024 18:42

Glad to help out.

1 Rookie


29 Posts

May 13th, 2024 19:18

I'm already half an hour after a completely clean installation
I deleted all the old DELL partitions and installed a clean installation.
Everything works perfectly - the device manager indicates that all devices are working and configured as required.
Thank you - you really supported me and helped me a lot

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