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December 24th, 2015 10:00

How to contact Alienware Management

Hi I am at the end of the rope with my patience; choking with frustration.  There has been nothing but problems with my brand new X51 and I feel that I have spent a great deal of money for a pretty paper weight.  I feel I have been extremely patient with this and I am beginning to think the only way to get this sorted is to take Dell/Alienware to the small claims court.

Basically what I want is the contact information of someone in the Alienware management who will read my e-mail and do something about it before I have to take legal action which nobody really wants.

The story is as follows:

I received my Alienware X51 R3 high-end gaming computer in Mid-October 2015. During the first week of use I noticed that several times the computer upon startup would not boot into Windows but would stay on a black screen with the mouse cursor until a hard shutdown was initiated. This became a daily occurrence. After checking through all the simple resolutions first I then engaged Alienware Support.  Since then Alienware has spent countless of my hours for support both in person and remote. The Graphics card has been replaced and the computer has had the firmware, drivers, and OS reinstalled countless times. The problem persists. A USB drive was delivered with an image for Tech Support to load on the computer but the Tech Support representative was not able to push that image to the SSD which is the system disk in this configuration . Rather he pushed it to the HDD so that the computer would dual boot between the original OS install on the SSD and the new image on the HDD.  In attempting to fix this he left the computer in a non-functional state where the computer will not boot AT ALL!  The support technician then explained that he will need to send yet another person to this time replace the SSD.  

The combined cost in time spent troubleshooting and replacing parts has probably exceeded the worth of the computer from Dell's/Alienware's perspective.  This doesn't even begin to take into consideration the cost of my lost time which is considerable.  

Thanks for replies in advance

Bryan Hickman "Extremely Annoyed Customer"

7 Technologist


4.4K Posts

December 24th, 2015 11:00


We are very sorry to hear about the ongoing issues with your Alienware. Was the onsite technician able to replace the SSD successfully or are you still waiting on this?

December 27th, 2015 21:00

No the SSD replacement has not taken place.  I am glad you read and replied to my post.  However, I have not yet received any contact by management.  This computer was broken upon arrival.  Should I contact my lawyer?

7 Technologist


4.4K Posts

December 30th, 2015 10:00


We can review the case to confirm what is the latest status. For assistance on this, send me a PM with your Service Tag.

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