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July 26th, 2017 15:00

Problem with my R1 after windows creator update!

Guys Microsoft updated my R1 with his latest Creator update.
The thing is that when i restart the computer, it stays stuck in the BIOS screen with the alien head! after 5 minutes i hear a bip, after another 5 min it start booting and when its been 20 min in total, i have access to my desktop and everything is fine, good speed etc.....

I did a fresh installation of windows with my usb but the Windows 10 installation media only gives me the lastest windows that means Creator update.

My Bios is the latest, drivers are updated. In Msconfig under boot, i put timeout at 3 seconds instead of 30.
Its still the same problem.

Before i did the fresh install, after the 20 min of waiting, the screen was black and i was able to just see the cursor, the restoration of windows seems to have repaired that error.

I was searching on google and people with the R2 version were able to repair the problem by enabling or disabling the secure boot option in the bios. ( But for me, the secure boot option is in grey i cannot select it.

My Bios is set in uefi.

Please help me what can i do?!!!!

Forgive my english is speak french......
Thank you for your help!

July 27th, 2017 12:00

The pc is alienware x51 r1, the model i have to check as soon as i go home. Ill do the test and see whats up Thank you for your answer ill keep you updated!

3 Apprentice


4.4K Posts

July 27th, 2017 12:00

Hi Moyakong123‌,

What's your system model?

Also, try running an ePSA/Diagnostic test on the system, click here to view a Dell article that explains how to run this test. Let me know if you receive any errors. 

8 Wizard


17K Posts

July 27th, 2017 13:00

Before i did the fresh install, after the 20 min of waiting, the screen was black and i was able to just see the cursor, the restoration of windows seems to have repaired that error.

Some kind of weird BIOS glitch maybe.
I've got an older ASRock Core2-Duo motherboard (with Legacy BIOS) in my Kodi box. On Windows-7 it rebooted fine. Since upgrading to Windows-10 ... cold boots are fine. Still rock-solid while running Kodi, movies, gaming, whatever.

But warm-boots or Resets (like when Windows-10 auto-installs an update) it intermittently hangs on BIOS screen forever or just black-screen with flashing cursor. I have to force it off with power button.


Lastest/Final BIOS is installed and ASRock is long finished with it and move on. Tried various BIOS menu changes with no help. It's running a Kingston SSD these days. What can you do other than replace motherboard or retire system?

July 27th, 2017 13:00

I will do this thank you so much, ill contact you with good news, i hope!

July 27th, 2017 13:00

Hi Moyakong123 .

you are running your X51 in Legacy Mode, so Secure Boot is automatically disabled. and this is your Problem i believe. try following:

do what Alienware-Eimy wrote first so we know it's not a Hardware Issue.

reset your BIOS Settings

Legacy Mode = Disabled / UEFI Mode = Enabled

Secure Boot = Enabled (or Disabled if still nothing)

July 28th, 2017 13:00

So i tried today but the bios is already in UEFI, but in the bottom its says something like boot list bios and its says Legacy, i tried to put it in uefi, but a message shoes and tell me that my video card is not compatible. Then i have no other option to put it back in legacy.

Does this ring something to you?

July 28th, 2017 13:00

I also tried the ePSA/Diagnostic it said that evrything was ok, but it took 1 hour 20 min instead of the 30 min that the message told me....

8 Wizard


17K Posts

July 28th, 2017 14:00

If your Alienware x51-R1 has a built-in HDMI port, I think it has the ability to do on-board video from only the motherboard.


You don't say what dedicated video card you have, but I assume you have one in PCIe slot. If so, make sure the on-board one is disabled in BIOS.


Alternatively, you can enable it and remove the AMD or Nvidia card from system. See if you can make something work that way. At least you will know the motherboard is good.


As far as Windows-10 goes ..

IIRC, others may have reported similar over the years. Even if you set BIOS to Legacy ... if Windows detects machine is at all "UEFI/SecureBoot capable" it tries to enable it and make it work. In that case, you might have problems if your boot-disk is not Initialized as GPT. It creates this vicious-circle of dependencies. I think a clean-install to a bootable GPT disk will fix it. 

July 28th, 2017 15:00

i agree with Tesla1856 100%. tell us more about your System and try what he suggested.

July 28th, 2017 15:00

why a Video?

what Graphics Card is installed right now?

July 28th, 2017 15:00

Ok ill take a video toke and send u the link on youtube tomorrow, thanks guys!

July 28th, 2017 16:00

Im pretty sure its this one 

July 29th, 2017 03:00

does your X51 BIOS have CSM (Compatibility Support Module) Mode? if yes then enable it.

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