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June 7th, 2019 13:00

Area-51m, XMP profile, 9900KS

Latest firmware update has the overclock settings in the bios disabled and I have never had the option to utilize my higher clocked ram. Also with the potential of the 9900KS coming out soon will I be able to upgrade to it from my 9900K or will I need another bios update?

Current system =

RTX 2080
64GB DDR4 2666MHz running at 2400MHz
2TB raid 0 with 1TB Samsung SSD total 3TB installed

As I see it for something that almost cost me 6k, I should have full access to the bios settings so if that could be in the next update that would be great thanks. 

June 8th, 2019 12:00

Hi Prodigy! I bought the G-Skill F4-3200C18D-32GRS, two 16gb modules running at 3200mhz with Xmp support separate to my Area 51m in hopes that I could just switch the higher clocks on in the bios. I did a ton of research and came to the conclusion that there is a significant boost in performance with higher clocked ram with the sweet spot around 3400mhz price to performance wise, especially at 1080p gaming with fps boosts up to 40%, and common sense tells me that that performance scales through to professional apps aswell. So I was really dissappointed when I couldn't find any settings whatsoever in the bios related to ram. I am not a software or hardware developer/engineer but I'm pretty sure this is not a hardware limitation of the Area 51m but that there is something else going on. Anyway, Dell if you are reading, please enable the ram-overclocking in the bios. We who spent a lot of our hard earned cash on this otherwise awesome machine would like to see it perform to its full potential. Kindly Andrzej

June 26th, 2019 17:00

I can not find out the option for memory’s XMP. I’m disappointed.

October 3rd, 2019 20:00

Likewise, when I purchased I specifically chose this because it has dual channel memory, but I find that I cannot activate the XMP profile in BIOS and further, that it is not available through the Fusion section of ACC.  I'm hoping this is a temporary situation, while further BIOS changes are being prepared.

UserBenchmarks: Game 116%, Desk 152%, Work 137%
CPU: Intel Core i9-9900K - 99.2%
GPU: Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 - 118.9%
SSD: Samsung 970 Evo Plus NVMe PCIe M.2 1TB - 317.2%
SSD: Samsung 970 Evo Plus NVMe PCIe M.2 1TB - 331.7%
RAM: Samsung M471A2K43CB1-CTD 2x16GB - 80.9%
MBD: Alienware Area-51m

Memory test results: 

   Samsung M471A2K43CB1-CTD 2x16GB
   4,927 User benchmarks, average bench 83%
   2 of 4 slots used
   32GB SODIMM DDR4 clocked @ 2400 MHz
   Performing below expectations (29th percentile)

137 Posts

October 4th, 2019 09:00


I've got a similar configuration in mine (see picture) with Samsung M.2 NVMe 970 Pro 1TB, Samsung M.2 NVMe 970 Evo 2TB, Samsung SSD 860 Evo 2TB , RAM 2x Sk Hynix HMA82GS6JJR8N-VK (totally 32GB)

There is no chance to use XMP at present and I'm afraid it won't be in the future (max 2400 Mhz)CPU-Z A51m.jpg

November 11th, 2019 06:00

The worst part is that they don't give any sort of explanation as to why there is no overclocking the ram or even running it at it's intended speed. If they just communicated with us it wouldn't really matter that it didn't support higher clocks. The machine maybe just can't handle it for stability reasons or whatever. But everytime I've tried getting an answer I basically get the same response from someone who comes across not really having any clue about the machine and as if they are reading the same info I can read on dells website. Basically: "The Alienware Area 51-M only supports 2400mhz, have a nice day!"

Well thank you very much, I feel enlightend...

So does anyone know of a way to bypass the walls they have set up for us? To brute force the higher clocks?

137 Posts

November 11th, 2019 08:00


XMP option is not available in BIOS and I rather doubt it'll be in the future. So I'm afraid you won't be able to overlock RAM. However hard I tried I couldn't finf any piece of advice in this matter in the internet. Did you?

1 Message

December 4th, 2019 12:00

got the same problem, we need a fix

2 Posts

December 7th, 2019 04:00

I contacted dell and they said there was no way to do it. Alienware is gonna get it’s  handed to them on a platter if they don’t fix this  I’m pissed off. In 2020 we should have a better looking bios and one that’s user and customize friendly. This is dumb asf and I’m mad bc I spent $3300 on this laptop that can’t even use more than 2400mhz memory. Fk 

2 Posts

December 7th, 2019 04:00

There is no way to add better ram with Alienware bios... I am so pissed they sell this ridiculous price laptops and don’t even update the fkn bios so we can install better memory for future proofing games. RAM DOES MATTER WHEN GAMING. #facepalm

2 Posts

December 18th, 2019 16:00

I'm with you. I promptly bought a pair of 16Gb Ballistix 2666MHz sticks just to match with i7-9700k processor, but now I got surprised by this dumb limitation. What's the matter with Dell/Alienware to disablem XMP memory profile in BIOS even though we hace Z390 chipset embedded in our golden priced systems.

4 Posts

February 11th, 2020 22:00

I’m currently working on modifying the bios to allow XMP settings, PCIE lane assignment (RTX 2080 running at x8 to save lanes for a port I don’t even use is ridiculous). I’m also going to unlock all of the advanced overclocking options. Dell thinks they can swindle us on that takes literally 10 seconds for a programmer to add is just stupid. Unlock the bios Dell! If you don’t, I’ll bypass your garbage bios protections and run my own version.  

1 Message

March 23rd, 2020 20:00

Did you manage to bypass the BIOS? If yes could you share it?

7 Posts

May 15th, 2020 23:00

that sound awesome share it if u can . thanks

7 Posts

May 15th, 2020 23:00

i am also planning on buy me a desktop and u better know its not goin to be from dell or alienware same shiet . they just scam us. now after soo much money on this one not even the stupid xmp we get at the end or better graphic card i fell on the upgradability like a walmart desktop i am so mad they see us the face 

1 Message

June 8th, 2023 12:00

were you able to modify the BIOS? If so can you share?

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