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July 27th, 2010 18:00

Avamar Folder Restore On Windows 2003


This is probably an easy answer but I am banging my head against the wall trying to figure it out.I am noticing something strange when attempting to perform a redirected restore of a folder from one local server drive to another local server drive. Both of these drives are located on the same machine (ie..From Drive E:\ to Drive O:\).

When I select the folder I want to restore Avamar is not including the selected parent folder after the restore operation is complete. When I navigate to the destination I only see the subfolder of the initialy selected parent folder I chose. I am also seeing inconsistant permissions on the subfolder but I assume that is because the parent folder is being excluded.

I am running Avamar version: 4.1.105-95 on the backup client itself and the whole Grid has previously been updated to version 5.x

Could this be an issue with the versions between the Grid and the client? Or, could it be an issue between the system and the end User (me)

Thanks for any help you can provide

July 27th, 2010 19:00

if my understanding is correct, Avamar did not include the original path when restoring.

there is an option for this:

when you perform a restore, choose 'More Options...', then check 'Show Advanced Options', find and check 'Recreate original path beneath target folder' and 'OK'.

Hope above information could resolve your problem.

July 27th, 2010 19:00

I wanted to add that I went ahead and updated the Avamar Client version to 5.0.105-169 and the issue still exists


July 27th, 2010 19:00

my understanding of your problem is that Avamar restored the sub folder you selected to the root of the drive. right?

July 28th, 2010 08:00

Hello and Thanks for the response. If I choose the option to recreate the original path it basically creates a folder with the original Drive letter as the parent and then includes all it's sub folders beneath it.

Unfortunately, I don't need it to include the original drive letter as a folder. My goal is to have it create the folder I selected and it's subfolders and files.

The main issue with all of this is that without the inclusion of the selected Parent folder the permissions are not correct for the Child folders under it. If this were a small folder in terms of Data it wouldn't be a big deal to just re-ACL it. In this case, it a very large folder in terms of Data with hundreds of thousands of Child objects with there own varying set of permissions.

Thanks for any additional info that can be provided

139 Posts

July 28th, 2010 09:00

I just experimented with this and was able to recreate your parent folder issue. When I select folders and tell it to restore to a different location, the parent folder doesn’t get recreated, only the child folders (and their child folders).

After playing around with this, I think I have a solution. When you are selecting folders for restore, notice how the selection is either a green box or a check mark? If you want to recreate the parent folder, the parent folder’s parent folder must have a checkbox and not a green box.

For example, I have this folder structure:






If I want to restore the Backup folder and have Avamar create the Backup folder also, I want Temp to have a check box. To do that, I select the Backup folder which puts a check right next to it, and a green box on Temp. then I select Temp which turns the green box into a check. This should recreate the Backup folder and its child folders.

If ACLs are still not correct after a restore, leave the restored files as they are, and overwrite them with another backup with this option --restore-acls-only=true.

Experiment with this before doing a restore of real data.

Let me know if this helps.

Ahmed Jalal

Office: (713) 219-6742

Cell: (713) 806-5378

July 28th, 2010 10:00

Thanks man, I'll give this a shot and post back afterwards

July 28th, 2010 13:00

I have attempted to use the --restore-acls-only Attribute but the restore process failed when doing so.

The log say's: ntsecurity error:Unable to reset security on pre-existing directory "%s" during restore "O:\ADMIN\Email", LastError=87 (code 87: The parameter is incorrect)

I did a quick search thru the Admin guide and couldn't find a reference to this command so I may be typing it incorrectly. I'll try a few combinations to see what will make it happy.

139 Posts

July 28th, 2010 13:00

Yes, it is entered in More options/More.

The way you are specifying the absolute location of the folder is no different then you logging into the destination server and creating that folder. The file permissiosn will not be correct and will inherit from its parent folder.

July 28th, 2010 13:00

OK, It appears that in order to get the selected Parent folder to be included or created during the restore process I needed to type in the full path to that folder in the "Absolute Destination" Field. So in my case as an example:

I want to restore the E:\ADMIN folder below along with all of it's subfolders & files. I would also want the original permissions

to be restored.

E:\ (Root of Drive)

                         E:\ADMIN (Parent Folder)

                                                  E:\ADMIN\DATA (Child Folder)

                                                             E:\ADMIN\DATA\Individual File 1

                                                             E:\ADMIN\DATA\Individual File 2

                                                  E:\ADMIN\DATA II(Child Folder)

                                                  E:\ADMIN\DATA III(Child Folder)

                                                  E:\ADMIN\DATA\Individual File 1

                                                  E:\ADMIN\DATA\Individual File 2

So, in the Absolute Destination filed I needed to manually type in the folder I want it to create. In my case I typed:


After I added this entry, the folder structure was correct after the restore process was complete.

Now, the issue is that the ACL's are still not correct. Most likely because the folder being created above isn't the one located from the backup sitting on the Grid. My guess is that Avamar is just creating a "New Folder" and not my original folder from the backup which includes my ACL's also.

Where would I enter the command referenced above that restores the ACL's only? Is this entered in the "More Options" Attribute/Attribute Value fields found in the Restore window?

Thanks again

139 Posts

July 28th, 2010 14:00

Also try --existing-dir-aclrestore=true

This restores folder ACLs

When I did this, the error came up every time, but I was able to restore all ACLs.

There is no reference in the admin guide, it is in the help output of avtar.exe process.

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