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March 13th, 2014 13:00

EMcopy Error 53


I'm trying to copy files from a physical server to a virtual server that has 2 mapped drives to EMC (File level) storage.  I get error 53 (see below).

The message states it cannot create the intermediate directory.  I'm taking this as the new directory can't be created on the virtual server for some reason.  I tried manually creating a folder on the virtual server, but still get the same error.  Has anyone used EMcopy to send files to another server with mapped drives ?  Or is there another reason why this error is being generated ?  Thanks.


C:\EMCOPY>emcopy.exe "E:\OnyxFTP\zip" "\\\E$\OnyxFTP\zip" /o /secfix /a /i /s /purge /d /r:1 /w:1 /c /log+:c:\onyxftpnew_diff_1.log

EMCOPY 04.07

        Copyright (C) 1999-2010, All Rights Reserved,

        by EMC Corporation, Hopkinton MA.

System information


Client OS                   : Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition Service Pack 2 (build 3790)

TH000 : 16:30:37 : ERROR (53) : Unable to create an intermediate target directory

Elapsed time: secs: 00

Copy engine Statistics


File(s) copied                            : 0

Directory(ies) created                    : 0

Amount of copied byte(s)                  : 0 Byte(s) (0 Byte(s))


March 14th, 2014 12:00

Wow ! It works now (see below).  I changed E$ to E: and removed the trailing \ after the onyxftp folders.  Thank you very much for solving the problem.


C:\EMCOPY>emcopy.exe "E:\OnyxFTP\zip" "\\\OnyxFTP\zip" /o /secfix /a /i /s /purge /d /r:1 /w:1 /c /log+:c:\onyxftpnew_diff_2.log

EMCOPY 04.07

        Copyright (C) 1999-2010, All Rights Reserved,

        by EMC Corporation, Hopkinton MA.

System information


Client OS                   : Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition Service Pack 2 (build 3790)

Server SRC                  : ONYXFTP         5.2 ONYXFTP

Server DEST                 :     5.0 EMC-SNAS:T6.0.61.0

Command information


Date                        : 14/03/2014 14:27:02

Source path                 : E:\OnyxFTP\zip\

Desti. path                 : \\\OnyxFTP\zip\

Files and Dirs filter(s)    : *

Directory options           : /s /purge

List/Modify/Create options  : /d

Security options:           : /o /a /secfix /i

Retry options               : /r:1 /w:1 /c

Processing the copy from E:\OnyxFTP\zip\ to \\\OnyxFTP\zip\ ...

Copy engine Statistics


File(s) copied                            : 8

Directory(ies) created                    : 0

Security Descriptor Setting(s) done:      : 9

Amount of copied byte(s)                  : 109 MB (114 506 387 Byte(s))

Estimated copy bitrate                    : 36042.035 KB/s

Global copy duration                      : 3.103

Elapsed time: secs: 03


1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

March 13th, 2014 14:00 is the CIFS server you created on Celerra/VNX ?

March 14th, 2014 06:00

No, it is the IP address of the W2K8 virtual server where I need to copy\move files to.  It has the 2 mapped drives back to the Celerra\VNX.

1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

March 14th, 2014 09:00

you can't do that, why are you not copying to Celerra/VNX directly ?

1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

March 14th, 2014 11:00

emcopy.exe "E$\OnyxFTP\zip\"

this path does not look right, i am assuming you are running this from the physical server itself. If that's the case should't it say e:\OnyxFtp  ..or something of that nature ?

March 14th, 2014 11:00

Hi Dynamox,

I tried that earlier today (see results below). is the Celerra\VNX.  I'm now getting  "Arguments are missing" error.  Not sure the cause.   Any ideas ?


C:\EMCOPY>emcopy.exe "E$\OnyxFTP\zip\" "\\\OnyxFTP\zip" /o /secfix /a /i /s /purge /d /r:1 /w:1 /c /log+:c:\onyxftpnew_diff_2.log

EMCOPY 04.07

        Copyright (C) 1999-2010, All Rights Reserved,

        by EMC Corporation, Hopkinton MA.

Arguments are missing.

Copies files and directories to and from NTFS partition with security intact.

This tool requires that you have "Backup and Restore files" User Rights.

The user account must also be a member of administrators or account operators

on both the source and destination computers.

Usage: EMCOPY srcdir destdir [name [name]...]

       Wildcards can be used in the name argument(s).

The following options are available:

  Security switches:

   /nosec  Disable NT security properties replication.

   /o      Copy owner security information.

   /a      Copy auditing information. Requires that you have

           the "Manage Auditing" User Right on both the source and destination


   /secfix Fix the NT security properties on existing destination files

           or directories.

   /lg     Translate local groups access security entries.

   /lu     Translate local users access security entries.

   /i      Ignores access security entries with a local account identifier

           in case of the source computer is not a Domain controler.

   /sd     Do NOT copy the file content if any error occurred on the security

           descriptor setting.


           don't check for privilege, strange behavior can be encountered if needed

           privilege are not owned by the current user


           Translate SD using new domain domain_name instead of original



           Preserve  SID Historical. By default SID in previous domain are

           replaced by corresponding SID in current valid domain.


           Backup all security properties of files and subdirectories

           (if /s switch specified) from srcdir to destdir including owner,

           access control list and audit information.

           The files data are not copied.

           Extra files and subdirectories are purged in the destdir tree.


           Restore all security properties wihtout copying any file content

           from srcdir to existing file or subdirectories (if /s switch

           specified) of destdir.

   Remark: The /backupSD and /restoreSD switches disable usage of the /nosec,

           /o, /a, /lg and /i options. The /create, /purge, /nocase, /l and /d

           switches are also disabled.

  Directory switches:

   /xf file [file ...]

           Excludes files with the specified names, paths, or wildcard


   /xd dir [dir ...]

           Excludes directories with the specified names, paths, or wildcard


   /xjd    Exclude junction point for directories.

   /s      Copy all files in the subdirectories.

   /stream Copy all datastream of files and directories.

   /lev:n  Specify the level of directory depth.

   /create Create a directory tree containing zero-length files.

   /purge  Remove extra files and directories from the destination tree.

           The directories or files including denied rights for delete for

           the user of EMCOPY are not removed.

   /nocase Create files and directories with lower case names.

   /sdd    Synchronize target dir dates with source dir dates.

  File selection switches:

   /d      Copy only the source files with its last modification time is greater

           than the destination file's modification time.

   /de     Copy the source file when its last modification time is not equal

           to the destination file's modification time or when files size are differents.

   /nodf   Filtering pattern are not applied to directories. Only files are filtered

   /l      List only the files that should be copied. Compare also

           the NT security properties if /secfix switch is set.

           The security switches then specify the properties to compare.

           Any differences are printed on the screen.

  Execution switches:

   /th nb  Number of working thread, by default 64 working threads are created.

           Working thread count must be in the range 1 to 256.

   /z      Restartable mode. Restartable mode is no more supported.

           Usage of this switch doesn't provide any effect.

   /c      Continue after the number of retries.

   /r:n    Specify the number of retries, 100 by default.

   /w:n    Specify the time in seconds to wait between two retries,

           30 by default.

  Log switches:

   /log:path   Set log filename to the path. Erase the existing file.

   /log+:path  Set log filename to the path. Append to the existing file.

   /u          logfile are filled up with unicode character set.

  Print switches:

   /f      Prints the full path of the files.

   /q      Quiet mode. Do not print any files.


   The "compress" and "encrypt" attributes are not replicated to

   the destination files or directories.

Exit code encoding:

     0 : no error.

     1 : mismatch error, a directory was not created because a file

         with the same name already exists.

     2 : security error, one or more security descriptors were not applied.

     4 : copy of data error, one or more files were not duplicated.

     8 : critical error, no files and directories have been copied.


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