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This post is more than 5 years old


December 3rd, 2012 17:00

Customer Service Help Required! Missing Paid Orders and Cancelled Orders

To whom this may concern,

On November 23rd, I placed an order from Canada for several items including an XPS 12 laptop and two monitors through Dell's online site. The order was split into three orders. I have received order  but have encountered numerous problems with the two others that, to this day, have remained unresolved. I will explain to you the events surrounding the order in the hopes that someone will finally be able to help me receive the items that I ordered.

On November 23rd, I received an email notifying me that the order I placed had been confirmed and assigned three different order numbers splitting up the items . On November 26th, I was informed that order number , which included the two monitors and several smaller items, had been shipped. I received an invoice for order  the following day and my credit card was charged the appropriate amount. A little later, I received an email saying that my order containing my laptop  had been cancelled because the verification department was unable to reach me. I did not receive any emails or phone calls from the verification department to warrant this, or any warnings that the order might be cancelled before it happened. I want to point out that I am not arguing over whether someone did in fact call me or not, simply stating that according to my cell phone records, no calls from Dell were received. Upon learning this, I called the verification centre and customer service, which both transferred me to a number which did not pick up. I tried several times over the next day to reach this number to no avail. I finally got into contact with someone from the verification centre who verified my identity and told me that a new order would be made for my laptop and that I should receive confirmation the next day.

Over 36 hours later, I had not received a new order for the laptop. I called customer service again and ended up talking to someone in Sales. The person was very helpful and ended up reinstating my laptop order under a new order number on November 30th. He also transferred me to the verification centre to immediately verify my new order. I was told by the verification representative that everything was in order and the laptop order would go through. Unfortunately for me, the laptop delivery would be delayed by over a week, which would make the arrival of the laptop after the date I left for Europe for a month, which was the original point of the purchase of the laptop, but I was told there was no way around this fact. Meanwhile, my monitor order  was on the truck to be delivered.

A little after receiving the confirmation for my new laptop order, I received a call from the verification centre that I had just talked to inquiring me about why there was a new order for the laptop and accusing me of not answering the phone for the original order. After a few moments of discussion, I ended up confirming that I did in fact want the laptop and that I was who I said I was. The new order, to the best of my knowledge, remained valid. About half an hour later, however, I found out that the order that was out to be delivered containing the monitors had been mysteriously recalled and sent back to Dell with no consultation, notification or warning on November 30th. This order has already been paid for and was in the process of being delivered so I did not understand the problem at the time, especially since I did not receive any word from Dell itself. On December 1st, I called the carrier company (Purolator) and was informed that the lack of delivery was because Dell had recalled my order. Unfortunately, it was the weekend and I had no way to call Dell to reverse this situation before my package arrived at Dell.

On December 3rd, I began calling Dell to figure out why my paid-for monitor order, had been returned to Dell without notifying me. I was informed, after talking to several representatives, that it was recalled due to verification issues. These issues had never come up before in all the calls I had earlier with the verification department. Furthermore, to the best of my knowledge, no attempt to reach me was made to resolve these issues before cancelling my order. I was told that my order needed to be cancelled and reinstated in order to be shipped to me since it had already been received by Dell's returns department. I asked them to do so as I had paid for the monitors and still wanted them. I was told that I would receive a confirmation email shortly for the new order number.

Several hours later, I had not received any confirmation and, to my surprise, found out that instead of receiving a new order for my monitors, a duplicate order for my laptop was issued . This meant that my paid-for monitor order  was still missing and unaccounted for, and that I now had two laptop orders, one made on November 30th and one on December 3rd .I began calling customer service again to try to get help to fix the issue and spent the following two hours being transferred from one department to the next, including once unknowingly being transferred to the American customer service department, much to the chagrin and confusion of everyone involved. Finally, I reached someone who attempted to help instead of just transferring me around. First, he tried to cancel the December 3rd laptop order and then tried to reach both the sales and the verification departments himself to fix the issue with my monitor order . Unfortunately, he was unable to reach the representatives he needed to fix the problem. He told me he had left them messages to call me back. To this point, no one has. At the same time, the laptop order from November 30th  was cancelled by the verification department. Furthermore, once I arrived home after this ordeal, I found out the December 3rd laptop order had also been cancelled.

To sum everything up, at present, my laptop order has been cancelled not once, not twice, but three times without direct consultation or warning. Furthermore, my monitor order , which I have paid for and have received a statement, is still missing and no progress has been made in having the order reinstated. Any potential order would also now be delivered much after my departure for Europe, which was the original reason for these orders. I still very much want these items (order , which has been paid for, and the laptop originally from order, but I find myself at a loss as to who to contact and how to proceed to get the entire situation fixed as quickly and accurately as possible. Please, provide whatever help you can!

I apologize for the length of this email, but I felt I needed to detail the whole process to explain what I am trying to resolve. I simply want to receive the items I have ordered (and in some cases paid for) on November 23rd. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time.

<ADMIN NOTE: Order numbers removed per privacy policy>

3 Posts

December 5th, 2012 10:00

After a few more attempts with customer service on the phone, the issues hopefully appear to have finally been resolved.

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