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1 Rookie


3 Posts


December 1st, 2016 13:00

Is there a way to complain to Dell Corporate?

I have been dealing with Dell Customer Rep since August 2016, and my service request is not resolved yet. My previous unit was sent for repair and was further damaged that Dell sent me a Refurbished Replacement. After receiving the replacement unit, it still had problems and I had to create another service request. By now, I have more than 10 service request and had 6 Dell Technicians to fix my Dell XPS 9550.

However my recent service request was closed by a Dell Escalation Rep because I did not reply the email for 2 days. My unit was not resolved and they decided to close it! What kind of terrible work attitude is that? Dell really needs to train their employees better!

Back to the subject, is there a way to contact Dell Corporate to escalate this case? It seems like the lower level Dell Rep and Dell Escalation Team does not care about customer service and are rude. I would like to file a claim against Dell on BBB and on corporate. 

1 Rookie


3 Posts

July 17th, 2017 04:00

Yes my case was straight away resolve when I contacted Dell through Twitter. I suggest anyone who has any problem to contact directly to Dell Twitter as they are all based in USA. They are more lenient and less systematic than Dell phone/email support.

In the end Dell sent me a brand new laptop with some upgraded specs and extended my warranty when I was not using the laptop. It took a long process but finally I am able to use my laptop. However the new XPS 15 model was already released....

Hope this helps anyone!

4 Operator


9.4K Posts

December 2nd, 2016 07:00


Thanks for posting.

Have you tried the Unresolved Issues Team?  They should be able to assist you.

1 Rookie


3 Posts

December 2nd, 2016 10:00

Thank you for your prompt reply.

I have managed to reach out to Dell Cares Pro on Twitter. Another Dell Rep is currently assisting me in system replacement. Hopefully it goes well for the last time.

I will keep this post updated.

4 Operator


9.4K Posts

December 2nd, 2016 14:00

Glad we were able to resolve this for you.

December 3rd, 2016 12:00

Kevinlin327, I hope your ongoing issue has been/will soon be resolved.  

Although I have a most frustration issue with a current Dell order I'm not quite yet ready to escalate it to either Dell Corporate or the BBB.  IF my issue is not resolved within a few more days I'll just cancel my order.

I've been a life-long fan and customer of Dell.  Sadly, I find Dell's "support" continues to slide, rapidly, downhill.  Yesterday (a day which I spent the better part of the entire day getting resolution to my order issue, I asked in Dell's Chat if there was any way to speak with someone shore-side (who was in the US and who's native language was English).  The response: "Sorry [my name] we don't have a US customer service."

No kidding!  Dell no longer has US customer service!

Breaks my heart but I am just days away from giving up on Dell ... forever.

December 14th, 2016 07:00

 I would love to be able to go through the Unresolved issues team, but I cannot get a service Request from Order Support, to be able to enter it as a required field.  

I have a case number which does not work.

1 Message

March 8th, 2017 15:00

“I purchased from Dell because I used to have a Dell computer. I had no issues with it and Dell was a well-known company. I ordered the Computer System as a Christmas Gift for my father; purchased it during a sale(similar to Cyber Monday). I had so many issues completing the transaction on-line that I had to call customer service to complete the transaction for me because I had 2 X$100 gift cards and the system would not allow me to enter both cards during checkout, but she was able to view a different screen and add up to 4 gift cards-only it took exactly 1 hour and I was at work and had other things to do. I don't know why there was a limit as these were money cards not coupons. Anyhow, it was ordered on 12/12/16 and supposedly delivered on 12/15/16 at 1245 PM. Both of my parents were home that day- all day and stated that the door bell never rang. We waited until Tuesday in case it showed up and then I contacted Dell Customer Service. It took a few days to get a response. The rep. said I needed to file a police report. The local police said they could do nothing about it because that was a problem with the delivery. My parents checked with neighbors and even went to a house with a similar street name and same house no. just to check but no one received it. If someone took it, of course they would not say so. My question is WHY was there no signature required for this very expensive system? I spend over $700! The holidays are when crime is the highest. So my father contacted FedEx and they asked the driver and they did not know what had happened. They said it was delivered and their investigation was inconclusive. So I contacted Dell Customer Service again and I received the same generic email with the instructions on filing a claim. I requested that someone please call me personally but no one ever did. Over the course of two (2) months we exchanged about a dozen emails but each time a different representative responded with the same email. I became so frustrated as I honestly felt that I was treated like a criminal and that Dell suspected me for "stealing" the computer myself. In February we re-sent the case no. for third maybe forth time and finally someone agreed to a replacement. I thought that was ridiculous. At that point someone named Jessie stepped in to help facilitate. I never really got an apology, or a personal phone call or offered any incentive like a coupon or credit for the huge inconvenience. The reason why I used email was to have the documentation and also because there were long wait times (always > 20 min. whenever I called. Also, No Customer Service was available on Weekends- since when was that implemented?). Consequently, my father was out a computer and Dell charged me for it. You really need to re-assess what Customer Service/Customer Support really means and understand that this is not just a ten dollar item that we are talking about. Now, my father and I are both being harassed by email on a daily basis, to return the computer we never received. When will it stop?! There is no way I will buy anything from Dell again! Thank you.”

1 Message

July 16th, 2017 18:00

Robert, you appear to be a Dell associate so I will relate this story to you:

Since Nov of 2013 I have owned two Dell laptops, the second being a replacement for the first. After 8 tech visits to my office, 3 self repairs (all hard drives), countless parts replaced, at least ten OS re-installs and a conservatively estimated 100+ hours on the phone and/or in email conversations, I can state without fear of reasonable contradiction that I believe the Dell products mentioned above are the poorest quality, poorest functioning and poorest designed devices I have ever owned. When I say this, I include virtually every appliance I've ever purchased, for any purpose.

Dealing with every level of Dell's available tech and customer support, including the so-called Unresolved Issues Team, I again can state from personal experience, that the level of training, consistency and ability for support team members to act autonomously is stunningly low. The real irony, given that Dell utilizes costly outside contractors, is that Dell undoubtedly spent far more attempting to fix the issues than the computers are actually worth, at retail.

I should state for the record that the majority of Dell's service agents I encountered were pleasant and seemingly well intended individuals. But it was always clear that each was both confined by a script and/or motivated by incentives achieved by taking the customer down the most difficult path (for the customer).

To suggest that I will never purchase another Dell product would be an understatement. How Dell manages to stay in business is certainly beyond me.



2 Posts

November 28th, 2017 06:00

No kidding..I spent all day yesterday talking with 3 different agents (someplace in the world) trying to buy an Alienware system.  Finally at 930PM I picked a system out, got the financing arranged then I was told Dell's processing system was down and I would be called back 2 days later to close out the deal.   You got to be kidding me, I walked away from Dell.

3 Posts

May 30th, 2018 08:00

I am livid.  I purchased the S2718hx monitor on May 23, 2018 and received confirmation that delivery would take place 5/29/18.  I took off from work to receive delivery of monitor to learn that my order was canceled. I was never notified of the change in status.  It was not until 6pm on 5/29/18 when I called to check status I was informed that my order was canceled because of a processing error.  I wasted a whole day to find out my order was not coming.  Livid.  Further, my order is replaced with a new order and the item is incorrect.  I spoke to the outsourced customer service and that was a fiasco.  Noone understood the issue and language barrier made it hard to understand.  a thousand I'm sorry's and no resolve.  I am beyond outraged for the lack of accountability and the consistent neglect/ignorance of customer service.  No compensation for the inconvenience and no expressed shipping for my loss of time... I HATE DELL CUSTOMER SERVICE.  To add aggravation to this process, looking at the new order, the item is not what i ordered.  I ordered the s2718hx and they have s2718h.    I'm so through, disappointed and just angry at Dell's lack of concern for their customers and how they don't want to talk to us sending calls to india 

1 Message

July 20th, 2018 13:00

Hello Robert, 

I've tried the unresolved Issues Team and they basically referred me back to the technical team. My laptop screen starting bleeding internally and since March 2018 I am unable to use my laptop. Since it broke down within 6 months, UK consumer law states that the onus is on Dell to prove that its not a manufacturer fault however Dell customer service has been very stubborn on pointing the blame on me. Further details can be found below.

Service Tag:

Service Request Number:

Would it be possible to have the contact details of Dell corporate UK so I can escalate this further. I've already contacted my Bank however they cannot get Dell to prove that they are at fault.


1 Rookie


7 Posts

September 23rd, 2023 13:28

<You replied to a 7 year old thread. Started your own thread. DELL-Admin>

Very frustrated customer of Dell service. I purchased a new Dell laptop 3 months back. My laptop is not getting started. Dell service said it's motherboard issue and they will replace it with a refurbished used motherboard. It's not helping me. I need a new laptop Dell replacement.

<You cannot have a new replacement laptop. Read = Dell warranty, returns, compensation policies. DELL-Admin> 


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