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November 25th, 2014 05:00

iDrac 6 not appearing in OME


I have numerous PowerEdge R510 severs with iDrac 6 cards in them. They all have static IP v4 addresses and A records in DNS. If I use the Dell Troubleshooting tool (v3.4.0) they pass SNMP (showing the MIB-II (System Name) = RAC_ , DRAC Inband (Product Name) = iDRAC and FluidFS (Cluster Name) = Euro sign) and WS-MAN (loads of information from OS deployment to SMASH collections) tests.

I have OME v2.0 and have created new discovery ranges in Manage > Discovery and Inventory (D&I) that use SNMP, or WS-MAN or both and have populated it with the DNS names of the iDrac 6 cards. The Dracs appear in the Device Tree for a short time (as unknown devices) before disappearing. I have managed to get them to reappear in the Device Tree by disabling the SNMP public trap on the iDracs when they were being detected by SNMP and WS-MAN. They soon disappeared (the next round of inventory, I guess).

My OME has numerous iDrac 5 (PE2950s) and iDrac 7 (PER510, PER720 & PER320) cards that appear in the Device Tree.

Anybody any ideas? Tell me, you can have a server and it's iDrac in OME ?

Thanks in advance.


2.8K Posts

November 25th, 2014 12:00

Hi John and thanks for the question.

Generally the rule is if you have an 11G server or below, you should discover just the server OS itself via SNMP + OMSA (or WMI + OMSA) and that is good enough.  So you don't have to discover the iDRAC.  This will provide all hardware monitoring, inventory and alerts you need.

If you have a 12G or 13G server, you can discover only the iDRAC via WSMan.  And that will provide all the inventory, monitoring and alerts you need.

You can indeed attempt to discover both the iDRAC and in-band OS on an 11G server, but you may encounter tricky correlation issues that might necessitate that you "tune" the discovery wizard a bit.  You may need to be very selective about what protocols you check, etc.

During the discovery process, devices may pop up and disappear before settling down.  This could be, for example, because OME discovers a server in-band (OS), but then later on discovery is still running and it happens to find the iDRAC for that server and it correlates it into a single device.

So again, if 11G, you may consider just in-band IP address (the host OS ip) and not discover the iDRAC to see how that works for you.

Hope this helps a bit.



55 Posts

November 25th, 2014 13:00

Hey Rob

Thanks for you reply, that is all I need to know.

All the best


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