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70 Posts


November 22nd, 2018 03:00

unable to remove jobs


I am running the repository manager version v2.2.4.630 and i wanted to remove some jobs from the jobs queue.

But when i try that i get the messages: " Some jobs failed to remove. in the loggin it says. "Error removing jobs from queueException of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. at System.Data.Metadata.Edm.TypeUsage..ctor(EdmType edmType, IEnumerable`1 facets)
   at System.Data.Metadata.Edm.TypeUsage.ShallowCopy(FacetValues facetValues).


Does some one has a solution for this problem? it's running on  Windows 2012R2 system


29 Posts

November 26th, 2018 04:00


I am not seeing this issue. Can you share more details of the behavior.

One suggestion is you can give a try with New Dell Repository Manager 3.1, where you can migrate existing repositories of DRM and export deployment tools,

Download link:

Note : DRM 3.1 and DRM 2.2.4 co-exist in system, so you can switch back to DRM 2.2 whenever required.

3 Posts

November 26th, 2018 05:00


A few weeks ago, i had this error.

I've had to delete the DRM database (in appdata\local\repositorymanager) and create a new one. It's brutal but it works.

Have you this error with other operations ? (create repositories, create deployment tools / catalog...)


December 6th, 2018 23:00

Thx, i will try to do this in our Testing env first. actually we wanted to migrate to the Linux install but then you do  not have a gui anymore (only at the console). this makes it a bit more difficult.

but i will first try and instll it on windows and see if this works for us.

December 6th, 2018 23:00

Hi , thx for the reply, by removinfg the database you remove almost everything i guess. it's production so i do not think i am allowwed to do so. i don not have issues with creating a new Repo or what so ever, just by deleting.
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