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This post is more than 5 years old


October 15th, 2016 06:00

Optiplex Soundcard Upgrade Compatibility


I own a Optiplex 755 and require an upgrade to the soundcard and have three in mind:

Asus Xonar DGX:

Creative Blaster Audigy FX:

Asus Xonar DGX:

Are these compatible for the 755? I heard that the 755 can be a little difficult with regards regards to upgrades so jut want to be sure before possibly wasting money on a something that might not work. Any help very much appreciated.


16 Posts

October 15th, 2016 13:00

Is this PSU related.  I own a HD6450 by AMD, heatsink with XFX brand and no fan.  This is not related, but the fan does not use much power any way.  I'm sure my PSU only puts out around 300 watts, so expensive cards are futile.  So I have this problem too, or actually had that problem when searching for a card.  Maybe a voltage issue for the soundcard search?  Perhaps.

14 Posts

October 18th, 2016 08:00

So nobody has any info on compatibility?

9 Legend


47K Posts

October 21st, 2016 11:00

Dell doesn't make any of those cards.  The  PCI-E version of the cards might be an issue.

The 755 is well past end of life end of support.  EOL EOS.

Given the AGE and bus on the 755 a 32 BIT 33MHZ pci 2.2 CARD would work.   Universal PCI 2.2 CARDS have 2 KEYWAYS in the card edge.  Older 5V only cards with only 1 keyway will not EVER work.

This card would be a guess.


In order to work with the front panel an additional proprietary cable goes to the front panel.  I do not see any connection for a 3RD party audio card similar to what the Precision T3400/T3500 has. There is no one size fits all as there are more than 4 physical configurations.



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