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This post is more than 5 years old


November 21st, 2005 11:00

Unable to install downloaded drivers for HP PSC 2175

I have seriously spent 12 hours on this and am going to lose my mind. I needed to re-install my printer after an accidental un-install but I lost my original install CD. So, I went to the HP site. I downloaded the full software/driver set but cannot get the CPU to recognize any of the drivers. I have tried HP "tech support", the scrubber tool 4 times, downloading and re-loading and un-installing and re-installing to no avail.

I took the printer and USB cable to a friend's house and installed it on her computer in 4 minutes w/ no problems. Just b/c it was once installed on my computer, there are major issues. Can anyone please help?

Did I say please? Thanks.

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

November 21st, 2005 11:00

Did you physically disconnect the HP unit BEFORE reinstalling the drivers?  If not, you need to do that.  Disconnect the unit then run the installation program and only when it tells you to, connect the unit.  That wasn't clear in your post and having a unit connected can cause installation failures.

You could have just done a System Restore when you first had the problem and it may have fixed it.  However, that is still a possibility.  Run the System Restore and restore the PC to a date/time PRIOR to accidentally uninstalling it.  That may correct it or at least allow you to reinstall the drivers.

2 Posts

November 21st, 2005 15:00

yeah, I had the printer unplugged for the whole operation each of the times I did it.

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

November 21st, 2005 15:00

Do the System Restore and then try to install again.  If you're lucky the System Restore will remove whatever is not allowing the new drivers to install. 

If you're not lucky you will have to manually uninstall the HP software and maybe even edit the Registry to remove the HP entries (if you do any Registry editing be sure to backup the Registry first).  Although I'm not a big fan of "Registry Checker/Repair" programs you could try one of those after you manually uninstall the HP software (restart Windows after deleting the HP software and before you do any Registry work and then Restart Windows again before you attempt another install). 

ADDED:  Not to be a wise guy, but if you are really unlucky you will have to do a "clean" install - reformat the hard drive and reinstall everything.

Message Edited by fireberd on 11-21-2005 12:36 PM

553 Posts

November 22nd, 2005 12:00

I wonder if you did a "clean" uninstall before reinstalling. If you have not seen this file, it may help -

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