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This post is more than 5 years old


July 25th, 2008 06:00

XPS 420 leave on or shut off?

i just got a xps 420, and am wondering when i go to work or go to sleep should i shut down the computer or just turn my monitor off and leave it or put it in sleep mode?



what would be the best option for longer lasting computer

2.4K Posts

July 25th, 2008 06:00



I would  sht down it and save you money on the electricity bill.

From Chris

My computer
Dell Dimension 1100
Microsoft Windows XP Home SP3
512 MB of Ram
Nvidia Geforce FX 5200 256MB
Intel Celeron CPU 2.53GHz
Dell E196FP
HDD Samsung SV2042H 20GB F:
Linksys Wireless-G WUSB54GS With SpeedBooster
Logitech Cordless Desktop EX 90
Logitech Cordless Click Plus Rechargeable Optical Mouse
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.1
Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1

My Security Software
Avanquest SystemSuite 8 Professional
Windows Defender

50 Posts

July 25th, 2008 15:00

I leave my XPS420 running 24/7.  I've been doing this for about 8 months now, and haven't noticed any ill effects to leaving it on.  Still cool and quiet as the day I got it.  I do set the monitor to auto-turn off after 30 minutes though.


I'm also running the Folding@Home project, so even when I'm not using my computer it is still being productive.



Grey Ferret


July 26th, 2008 00:00

I have both a Dell Dimension p100t (Linux router) picked up in 1996 and a Dell XPS 420 I got in April and never had a problem leaving a Dell on 24/7. Just make sure you have a nice UPS and backup your data. Harddrives fail but it's part of the game. 

7 Posts

July 26th, 2008 23:00

It all depends on your social conscience.  If anyone is serious about global warming everyone is going to have to change their lifestyle and do things that may be a little more inconvenient to save energy. 


I personally shut off my computer when I am not going to use if for at least 8 hours.  I also have a power strip with all the power converters for laptop, printer, etc. and flip that off also.  The transformers use energy even when the device is off.


Color me crazy, but it give me room to point fingers at others without being a hypocrite.   

513 Posts

July 27th, 2008 19:00

@Madrona98 wrote:


I personally shut off my computer when I am not going to use if for at least 8 hours.

If your concern is social consciousness, wny not just shut it off when you are not using it?  Why the eight hour rule?


(Not being critical, just curious).

7 Posts

July 27th, 2008 21:00

With most electronics frequent shut off and start up is not good as one gets a measurable, although very minor, surge in current with click of on switch.  Why 8 hours?  Just a figure I pulled out of air, could have been less.  When at home and awake I frequently have something I want to check, even though I never anticipated the need.

513 Posts

July 27th, 2008 21:00

Yes, electronics often prefer to be left on. And eight is a nice number, even representing good luck in some cultures. :)


Electronics are also interesting in that if they are going to fail they usually do it within the first 30 days or so.  After that, they fail whenever they feel like it, whether this is the next day or 20 years later.

2.3K Posts

July 27th, 2008 21:00

hear hear Garry :)


My .02/.03 here....

I always leave all my computers on all the time... unless I am taking a vacation away.

If I am not using the PC overnite it is still on....


And more than half my Work PCs and ALL my home PCs.... that includes ALL my laptops stay on 24/7 Folding away for Humanity..... indeed a great cause.


Case and point ... my Dell Inspiron 8000.... has been on like that since I got it in 2000.... the longest it has been off has been for vacations.... and the second longest was for waiting for a replacement HDD just a few months ago.... and BTW, that HDD is the only thing that has died in that machine which I got refurbished.


All I do is to take good care of it, and keep all the vents clean of dust.... as a matter of fact all my PCs and Portables get a once over cleaning monthly... my Big Beast even gets a OS reinstall every other month if not sooner!


Leave it on... and do something for Humanity by Folding ;)







50 Posts

July 27th, 2008 21:00

If Social Conscience is your thing, then why not look into the Folding@home project?  I don't wish to come across as spamming this, but since you brought it up, I think this bears repeating.  You can have your convenience and feel good about having a positve impact on the world at the same time.  Best of both worlds.


No finger pointing, just an idea being thrown out there...

Grey Ferret

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

July 27th, 2008 22:00


I leave mine on and just have the monitor go to sleep. I do not trust the PC hibernate or sleep modes. Too many flakey things occur.

26 Posts

July 28th, 2008 06:00

what kind of flakey things?

121 Posts

July 28th, 2008 11:00

I leave mine ON for 18 hours a day.


I am hosting a forum using ASP and SQL 2005.  Also running ftp server.  I use to run an email server.


I also remote in from work and keep my XPS 420 busy downloading non-stop.


Thats why I bought the 3 year warranty on it.

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

July 28th, 2008 19:00


If I have applications running when hibernate/sleep occurs, 30% of the time, I get errors coming out of hibernate/sleep.
Message Edited by DELL-Chris_M on 07-28-2008 03:52 PM

9 Posts

July 29th, 2008 12:00

I have always left my computers on 24/7 and configure the Power Option to turn off the monitor after awhile.  I do not use screensavers, sleep modes or hibernation.


I adopt the same philosphy at work with my XPS 720 and Optiplex GX620.  I have fewer headaches.  When videoediting and production, the fewer headaches, the better... 


My experience has been that Windows based machines have more issues coming out of sleep or hibernation.  So, I leave mine running all of time. I also have a Mac G4 Titanium and Mac G4 Cube at home running OS X 10.4.  They are always on and virtually have always come out of sleep ready to work.


Yes, MoneyGuyBK, I run Folding@Home on my Dell XPS400 home computer. Unfortunately, our IT policy at work does not allow this type of program to run on company computers.  At home, I only run it on the Dell PC; my Macs are a little dated but do a good job with what I need them to do.



Carl Belawske, CTS

Finger Lakes Health

Using a XPS720 for videoediting

2.3K Posts

July 29th, 2008 18:00

@FLH_video wrote:

Yes, MoneyGuyBK, I run Folding@Home on my Dell XPS400 home computer.

Carl Belawske, CTS

Finger Lakes Health

Using a XPS720 for videoediting

Nice job and Thanx for your contributions to Humanity :)

Which team are you a member of?

Apology to OP for off topic!






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