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This post is more than 5 years old


June 13th, 2007 17:00

XPS-710 regular crashes under load (long sorry)

Ok let me start by saying that I've got over 20 years of PC technican experience and this one has me just about ready to throw everything out a window (no pun intended). I'm hoping that a second pair of "eyes" can give me a quick fix into what I'm missing. I'm trying to solve BSOD and page fault issues when the system is under any load.
Bought a XPS-710 6600-CPU with 4 gigs of RAM and XP-PRO along with the 8600 GTS video card and two 250gig drives. I have a GEN1 XPS so I installed virtually the same applications on the new system as I have on the origional XPS (Office 2003, Nero, Adobe Premire 1.5 and not much else but a few of the games I play alot). I'm also a digital photographer and have about 60 gigs of photos and about 40 gigs of music.
Step 1... partitioned the first 250 gig drive into C: 50 gigs and D was the rest leaving only the OS on C and I installed all my applications on it.
Step 2 .. Ran Windows update and downloaded all the updates for Office and XP.
Step 3 .. Installed Norton Internet Security 2006 and Ghost 10 and ran the live update for them.
Step 4 .. Installed my games on the second 250 gig drive E
Step 5 .. Purchased a new WD 500 gig drive and installed it as drive F
Step 6.. pulled the data only drive (500 gig) from my first XPS and put it in as G. This drive has all my photos and music on it.
I decided at some point that I didn't want my data on drive G so I decided to drag and drop the main photos folder to F which amounted to about 60 gigs. Right off the top I noticed some problem. It got about 10 gigs into it then failed stating that there was some sort of fault unfortunatly I didn't make note of it at the time. I was able to finish the copy by doing it in smaller chunks.
Plugged my external Firewire 400 drives into the system (4 drives about 750gig space) and decided to use Microsoft SyncToy to make backups of all my data to the drives. The entire process took about 40 minutes however every couple minute I would get a yellow bubble stating that th pagefile.sys was corrupted and that I needed to run CHKDSK. I had created a 2048mb fixed page file on the E drive during my update process so I changed the settings and moved it to D. I attempted to play my games (C&C3 / Star Wars Empire at War) and both would come under load and the system would just stop. Sometimes I would get the STOP BSOD and sometimes it would just simply quick and not log anything in the event viewer.
Ok .. updated the video drivers, sound drivers and flashed the BIOS with 1.4.1 as well as made sure there were no more Windows Updates or Live updates and that all the games had the latest patches. NO LUCK!!!!! same thing. I keep getting page fault messages in the event viewer or no messages at all. Every fault is in a different file and sometimes no files are listed at all. I've gone as far as eliminating the page file alltogether and setting it for only 1024mb. I also downloaded the latest ISO for the Dell diagnostics and ran a full memory test and system test all which passed (I should note though that I attempted to run the memory test via the GUI version of the test and it immediately rebooted. I had to do the test with the non GUI version.) I've even taken this as far as to setting the /3GB switch in the boot.ini and tried the /maxmem=2048 as well... no luck whatsoever.
So I have two things left before I simply crater the machine and restore it back to factory and try again. 1. pull the two new hard drives out. 2. pull the memory out and instal it back in 1 gig chunks. My hardware guy here said he had a problem with a non-Dell system when he added a third drive and had the exact same issues. He ultimately had to put in a second controller to handle anything but two drives. No an option for me with the XPS.
As far as I'm concerned this system is clean as I'm religious about not installing unnecessary software and I clean my files regularly (temp, etc). I've disabled all the Norton stuff as well although the same games with the same software play fine on my first XPS..
Soo... are there any eyes out there that can help. I know if I call support they are going to immediately have me crater the machine and I just spent three days reinstalling all my software. Not looking forward to starting over but I may if I have to.
Thanks in advance

Message Edited by JJ-Mobile on 06-13-2007 01:34 PM

61 Posts

June 13th, 2007 21:00

Surely you have done this with your extensive experience as a PC tech but I didn't see a mention of the following:
Make sure you have the latest NVIDIA Chipset SMBUS drivers installed.
Make sure you have the latest NVIDIA MediaShield SATA drivers installed (see latest drivers posted above in this forum by Chris).
Reset your pagefile/virtual memory settings to "system managed size" (setting to other settings has caused BSOD's and out of memory errors for me).
I received several BSOD's too until I installed the latest NVIDiA MediaShield after updating my system to Vista 32.
Hope you can figure out the problem(s) soon.
Best regards,

903 Posts

June 13th, 2007 22:00

Is your optical drive or drives on the highest SATA ports (i.e. 5 and 4, if you have two)?
The Dell 7xx series systems have problems when the ODD is located in between HD's - doesn't make any sense, but I've seen it happen on all variations of the 7xx series systems.
Might be a long shot, but worth a try.

15 Posts

June 13th, 2007 22:00

Hmm.... ok.. I had looked at the bus drivers and they were dated 11/06. Since I just got the system last week I would hope that the critical nature of the update would have been packaged on the new system. Downloading now to see what happens. The Media one as well was dated 04/07 so I assumed... probably wrong that that would be installed already as well.
I did pull my 3rd and 4th drive and no luck. I also pulled 3 gigs of memory and the one game that I was having problems with played all the way though.. but I only tested once. Added the second gig back in and got almost all the way through before it dropped out with no error message again. Going to switch chips again.
I also tried the system managed page file with no luck but now that I'm removing memory and such it's worth a second look.
Keep the suggestions coming.

15 Posts

June 13th, 2007 22:00

Ok still no luck.. did the two other updates via the previous suggestion and got the same STOP messages once the system came under load from my games. I am noticing now though that the last 4 times the NV4 display drivers have been flagged.. this is something new. Now two questions... one brought up my Mr. jsrder that made me think. jsrder you stated the whole cable routing in the case and it made me take a third look. According to the book on page 98 it says
"SATA hard drives should be connected to connectors labeled "HDD" on the system board. Non-Hard drive SATA devices should be attached to the connectors labeled SATA with the exception of a 5th SATA hard drive installed in a 5.25-inch drive bay, which must be connected to the SATA 0 connector."
Looking at my configuration the primary hard drive is attached to the SATA 0 connector which also is colored blue instead of black. So that leads me to ask.. how accurate is the documentation and IF it's correctly stated in the manual.. why the heck did the wrong device get connected to SATA 0?? My DVD single drive is connected to SATA 2 and my secondary HD is on SATA 1. Since I removed my other two drives that does in fact make the DVD the last one in the connected chain.
I think it's time to call Dell unless DELL-Chris can chime in here somewhere... I'm completely stumped. GRRRRRRRRRRRR

1.2K Posts

June 13th, 2007 23:00

For what its worth I know that both of my SATA opticals are connected first in the SATA sequence and then the HDDs.
Regards - MichaelO
Intel Core2 Duo processor E6700 1.4.1 Bios
4GB DDR2 PC2-5300 @ 667 Mhz
24 in Dell 2405FPW Wide Aspect Digital Flat Panel Display
512MB NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GTX
XFI w/ Logitech Z-5450 5.1
1 x 300 SATA root
2 x 250GB SATA
1 x 320 SATA Seagate perpendicular Storage Technology

15 Posts

June 14th, 2007 00:00

Ok.. so here's the scoop although I've got some more testing to do. I did in fact call XPS support and went through the whole sequence of events. The tech attached to my machine and I showed him what was happening in the logs... really nothing there as most of the errors never logged. He checked a few things then suggested that I turn off the dual-core support in the BIOS and try my games and stuff again. Ok.. I've heard of incompatabilities with some video cards and drivers for the older Hyperthreading machines however I've never had that problem with my Gen-1 XPS which is hyperthreading. Same basic software configurations between the two systems down to the drive letters that I've installed them on. My GEN-1 XPS though runs an ATI Radeon card though.
So.. I do like the guy says and turn off dual core support and go back into the system and run my game... start to finish the game runs like a charm. Since it works fine on my GEN-1 XPS I didn't notice any degredation with the second core turned off. Ok so since my games and stuff all work again.. at least the one time I played them then what does that say? Tech said that it's a known issue where they've had a number of customers with the same issues and turning off the second core seems to "fix" the problem. WHAT!!!! .. I bought this system for the dual-core and horsepower on purpose because I do a lot of Adobe Premeire video editing and the second core is a must for anything lengthy.. not to mention the rendering time to create a DVD. So I've got a case number and I'm going to play my game a couple more times to see if I can get it to drop out again. With the second core off though this is the first time with the extra RAM that I've actually played any game scenario end to end with no crashes. Hmmmmmm..... Will keep everyone informed.

15 Posts

June 14th, 2007 02:00

Murphy caught up to me after my last post... who hates his laws... grrr.. second play through and the games dropped out with no error messages once again. Tech said I need to run the full extended diagnostic tests and then if they all pass (which they did earlier) then it's back to software.... See I told you they would have me image the machine. Three days of installing my applications and configuring them and not even getting a chance to launch and run any of them and I've got to start from scratch again.
Maybe I'll return this system and go back to my origional XPS... it may be slow but at least it runs all my applications and games.

15 Posts

June 14th, 2007 14:00

Thanks for the links.. .I elmininated my potential for it being a memory problem last night by pulling all my memory. I installed it back in in 1 gig chunks and it failed right off the top with only 2 gigs installed. I swapped chips to make sure I didn't have a bad SIMM but no luck. Seemed to actually be more stable with only 1 gig installed in it though.. I'm convinced at this point it's a system board and possible timing/addressing issue with the memory as I was getting pagefile.sys errors as well when copying file across drives in large blocks... it's not just with games where errors are. Ran the Dell diags and everything checks out ok BUT those diagnositics aren't addressing memory the same way the diags do. I'm stuck with reimaging today though because I tried to reinstall XP on top of itself and it won't let me logon now because it says I have to activate Windows. Since the network driver has now been bumped I can't connect to the home network to activate. Such is life. I could have built my own machine and had it up and running in the time I've spent troubleshooting out of box issues with this machine. Highly considering returning this thing and sticking with my slow but working machine.

61 Posts

June 14th, 2007 14:00

Sorry to hear you're still struggling with your system.  Definitely frustrating for sure!  I thought my earlier suggestions of installing MB/chipset drivers would work.  It certainly fixed a lot of problems I was having with my XPS710H2C with the Vista OS installed.
Here's a link to a site that might fix your memory problems and CTD's with games.  Although it talks about Vista, XP users have stated it works for them too.  It simply modifies your game so that the application can handle >2GB memory addresses.  I think it's an excellent tweak and it certainly increased my enjoyment of Microsoft's Flight Simulator X and frame rates..
Best regards,

15 Posts

June 15th, 2007 05:00

New system board and video card are on it's way. I completely stripped the system reformatted and reinstalled XP. I only ran the critical updates from Microsoft Update and didn't even install my AV or internet security software. No luck.. crashed pretty easily with the same generic page fault messages as before. Let's cross our fingers that the first two pieces replaced fix the problem.

15 Posts

June 17th, 2007 21:00

Ok.. system board and video should be here tomorrow. I starting reloading all my applications a second time on the system though to not have this thing sitting idle while I'm waiting. I figured most of the problems were with playing games anyway so it shouldn't hurt to reinstall my apps. WRONG!!!... I reinstalled Office on my system then when it asked me to reboot at the end I said no since I like to manually launch IE and check for updates myself. So I say no and click start and IE and what happens ? BSOD with an 8e error. I power the thing off .. wait 30 seconds then power back on and the BIOS won't load. I get a 23 error code on the front panel which says that there is a hard drive problem. Ok maybe I turned it off and on too fast and the HD didn't spin down all the way. I power off and on again and it boots. Few more applications later and I decide to make a duplicate of my digital photos folder from one drive to another to organize things a little. 50gig of data total about 17000 files. I decide to use Microsoft SyncToy to do the file compare and transfer as it works really well on my other machine. About 4000 files through the copy and another BSOD. The system this time though comes up after logon and says it's recovered from a serious error... cool because at least this time there's a log entry. Log entry says that there is a problem with sbp2port and that a device didn't respond in a timely manor. Hmm... do some cross checking and find that the device didn't respond in the 10 second timeframe. Weird as nothing froze on my system. Two possiblities for the sbp2port error. USB device having problem... of which I have no USB devices other than the mouse which has already been changed... and a possible hard drive problem. Having checked my HD's several times I'm leaning toward a drive controller problem or a problem with the driver that is controlling the controller. The SMBus driver has already been updated so I can't get anything newer. I've seen some posts about the X-Fi sound card though and a possible problem with the nForce chip set. If the new system board tomorrow doesn't fix the problem then I'm pulling the sound card and going with the onboard to see if that works.
Hopefully if you're still following this and having problems with your own system that this helps. I've noticed quite a few people out there with the same BSOD problems on the 700 series machines.

15 Posts

June 21st, 2007 20:00

Ok the hardware tech came out on Monday and replaced the system board and the video card. Haven't had time to update the post until now as I've spent the last couple late night playing games :) YEAH!!!! finally fixed. I'm sure it was the drive controller on the system board that was causing problems even though we replaced the video card as well. I had started getting SPB2PORT errors in the event logs that suggested that a device wasn't responding or there was an HD problem. No HD problem which lead me to suspect the controller. Anyway.. all is fixed now and I'm happy. (Now to transfer all my digital video over from tape to the new system... ugg)
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