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This post is more than 5 years old


July 23rd, 2008 13:00

XPS 730 FANS AT 100%

Hey all, this is my second post regarding my xps 730 fans running at 100%. My first post had no replies. I know this issue has come up alot, especially for the xps 630. It's just getting really frustrating because I have no idea what to do. It also dosen't help that most of the posts here are for the xps 630, with the ESA updates, BIOS updates etc etc. I have no idea if they are compatible with my xps 730.


Anyway, I'm hoping someone can respond with some help. I'm hoping Chris might have a solution.

Here's a rundown of what's happened and what I've tried.

Whenever I turn on my computer the fans start at 100%(sounds like a vacuum). I open the Nvidia control panel > performance > chassis, under "CREATE", I uncheck the 'automatic fan' option and adjust accordingly. I choose to save as 'FAN1' and choose that profile to start when system is started. Once I restart the computer, the fans remain at 100%.

I've also tried adjusted the other profiles that were availble, USERDFLT and OSBOOT(names may not be exact). No dice. There's also a SYSDEFAULT profile that appears when I try saving a new profile, but I don't know how to make changes to it.

I've tried uninstalling the software, reinstalling. NO GO. Tried powering computer off, removing power cable, holding power button for 10secs, power computer back on. SAMETHING!! =(


On a side note, everything was working fine for the first 2 weeks when I received my computer. I'm sad to say this all started when I was trying to adjust the LED lights(turn them off).


Sorry for the long post, I'm sure I've missed some things. It's just really frustrating and I know some people here must be in the same boat as me. Please help!

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

July 23rd, 2008 14:00


Reset the XPS 730 Master I/O board
* Power the PC off
* Open the case cover <ADMIN NOTE: Broken link has been removed from this post by Dell>
* Look for the Master Control board <ADMIN NOTE: Broken link has been removed from this post by Dell>  underneath the PCI Card Cage and Front CPU fan assemblies
* There is a blue plastic jumper. Is it on both pins or just one pin?

23 Posts

July 23rd, 2008 14:00



I won't be infront of my computer until later today. How do I reset the XPS 730 Master I/O board?

Also, if the blue plastic jumper is on one pin, what does it mean? If the jumper is on both pins... what does it mean? And what would I do?


I have an XPS 630 infront of me that I can break. Would resetting the Master I/O board be the same for both the 630 and 730? I want to try with the 630, just so I know how to do it when I am infront of my computer later today.

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

July 23rd, 2008 17:00

The 630 is too different. Here are the 730 instructions.

* Power the PC off
* Open the case cover  <ADMIN NOTE: Broken link has been removed from this post by Dell>
* Look for the Master Control board underneath the PCI Card Cage and Front CPU fan assemblies
* There is a blue plastic jumper on pins 2 and 3
* Place the jumper on pins 1 and 2
* Power the PC on, then off
* Place the jumper back on pins 2 and 3
* Replace the cover
* Power the PC on

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

July 23rd, 2008 19:00


Load bios 1.0.3 to keep up to date.

Fixes and Enhancements
1. Regress hard drive/optical drive boot sequence in both normal mode and RAID modes.
2. Ensure audio and 1394 works correctly after power management events.
3. Fixed AMD graphic card error message issue.

23 Posts

July 23rd, 2008 19:00



I will try those steps when I get home. Do those steps usually resolve the issue for the fan speed on the xps 730? Hopefully it does because I don't hear too many problems regarding fan speed other than on the xps 630.


I also tried calling Dell xps tech support. The one guy I spoke to said he's never had a call about an issue with fan speed before. He advised to update the bios from the support site. I beleive the one available to download is 1.0.3. I have 1.0.2(?). Will updating the bios fix this issue too? Is this something I should do anyway, if doing the jumper thing resolves the issue?



23 Posts

July 23rd, 2008 22:00



I tried the steps that you've given me but it made no changes. It looks like the fans go at 100% once I boot the computer on. Once it loads the desktop, it reverts to a profile that I chose, which lowers the fan speeds. I don't know what else I can do. I was thinking that it might be a default profile that loads during system startup but I can't find any such profile.


Please advise.

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

July 24th, 2008 03:00


Now I am confused. In your first post you stated the fans were always at 100. Now, they slow down when you load a profile. That is how mine reacts. 100 on boot, lower once a profile loads. I guess I do not understand what you want the fans to do??

23 Posts

July 24th, 2008 13:00



Sorry for the confusion. The fans run at 100% as soon as I power on the computer, it will remain like that until my desktop appears on screen. At which point, one of my profiles will load and lower the fan speeds.


When I first received my computer, whenever I power on the computer, the fans run really fast for 1-2 secs and then go down to a lower rate(even before the desktop loads). It no longer does that.


I hope this clears up the confusion.

Message Edited by bigwatch on 07-24-2008 08:33 AM

23 Posts

July 24th, 2008 19:00

Any suggestions on trying to get my system fans to rev for 1-2 secs upon bootup(the way most xps' do) rather then revving at 100% until the desktop appears?

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

July 27th, 2008 01:00


Still checking on this.

23 Posts

July 28th, 2008 18:00



Thanks. I'll keep checking back here, hopefully there's a fix. I haven't tried restoring to factory defaults(ctrl+f11 on boot up). I wonder if this will work...

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

July 28th, 2008 19:00


Our XPS 730 on boot revs to 100 then backs down to the profile setting. We have the latest bios and drivers loaded.

23 Posts

July 29th, 2008 00:00



do your fans rev to 100% for 1-2 secs or does it rev to 100% until the computer loads the desktop?


when i first received my computer, when i bootup the system, the fans would rev to 100% for 1-2 secs and then drop to normal(almost no sound). this is all while the system still has the black screen with the windows logo and load bar on screen. i am failry confident that you know what i am describing.


for whatever reason, the computer now has its fans running at 100% once I press the power button. it remains that way until the desktop is loaded.


i hope you are not telling me this is normal. because if it was, it would've done this the FIRST time i used my computer. if this is normal it would be doing the same thing on my xps 630 and 730 computers i have at work.

23 Posts

July 29th, 2008 21:00

here's a link to a youtube video i found of someone experiencing the same problems as i am.

i don't know how this could possibly be passed off as being normal.


as mentioned in the comments section of the video, the fans should only rev up for 1-2 seconds upon bootup.



Community Manager


54.9K Posts

July 30th, 2008 12:00


So the MIO jumper thing did nothing?
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