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23 Posts


August 16th, 2020 06:00

Dell. PS-6000 Web management interface. whats the I.P.?


I am new.

so i got myself a PS6000 SAN , without driver Disk , which Dell ofc. want to charge Me $1700 just to be able to access it. That Certainly won't happenn, so i want to use the web G.U.I. for it. As the PS6K has no front display, or VGA, what's the IP to put in Browser or how can i tell what it is ?

Thank ya, 


3 Apprentice


1.5K Posts

August 16th, 2020 06:00


 There is no "default" IP address for EQL arrays.  It is always set when the array is setup. 

 You can access from the serial port of the active controller.  It will have a green LED. 

  9600 BAUD, 8 data, no parity, 1 stop bit. 




4 Operator


1.9K Posts

August 16th, 2020 07:00

Iam not sure what a PS6000 is  but if your are referring to a fine but old Dell EqualLogic PS6000 than i can provide some informations.

The OS is stored on SD Cards which are located on the bottom of each controller module.

  • If you have "no disks" the unit will not work
  • You need at least half or all disk slots populated
  • You need Dell/EQL branded disks with propper Firmware. White labeld disks will not work

The unit will be setup/managed by using a standard serial cable which is connected to the RS232 of the back of a controller module with the  9600,8,1,n settings.
The unit have one active and one standby controller and there roles will be swapped with every restart/reboot.

The (Java)* GUI can be reached trough the WKA aka GroupIP  after the unit is setup. By default there will be no "management" subnet because early EQLs doesnt come with a extra interface for that job. The dedicated ports comes with later models but your 10year old unit havent one. Depending on Firmware version of your unit the admin have the choice to sacrifice the last iscsi port for management.

The default user is named "grpadmin". If there is a unknown password youre out of luck because you cant perform a factory reset from the outside. A password reset is done as a challenge responce with the help of the Dell Support. If youre not the legal owner i have my doubt that you will get much help. Also the PS6000 isnt under a valid support contract any more which makes it impossible to download software for the unit.


* Current Oracle/SUN JAVA needs to be re-configured to allow old and un-secure encryption methods. Try something like 1.7 or google for the needed modification.



3 Apprentice


1.5K Posts

August 16th, 2020 12:00


re: Java  You don't have to go to an old version of Java.  You can re-enable the disabled feature. 

 this forum posting has the steps.

There is a way to reset the EQL password without the challenge / response.  If you Google for it you will likely find it.  It's the original method of password resetting it before the challenge / response feature was added. 



23 Posts

August 17th, 2020 00:00


"The Host Integration Tools CD-ROM is shipped with the array"

I dont Have this disk so i dont know how to set-up. Iirc this must be iNstall on pc in order to connect with San, no?

I have 8x4 Tbit (465GiB) Disks install in this Server. i mean San. i just find it Strange that one have Need 8 Disk to even Start it ? its like Car that wont start without 2/4 Fuel in tank. but that shouldnt however be problem in my case.

as you May understand im very new to servers, bought first server weeks ago and this san days ago. thats why i want this host tool for setting up realtively easy. so i do just downloda putty and use serial connect with that baud you mention ? will try this.

i have no switch yet, maybe will purchase one . its just for personal bakup so will not need extreme network speed.

23 Posts

August 17th, 2020 00:00

@dwilliam62 yes but How, where? What do i need? 

I have serial Cable + one of the buzzing PSU blinking "ACT". I connect there, then two Network cable from each Eth0 to two Ethernet port on the Dell R520. That where it ends... i have no Blue to go further and cannot downlod the Software because that require active support Agreement. This P.O.S. San (Andreas) ist 15 Y.O.

@Origin3k Say Wh00t , ,, do i need 8 Disque to even get it Start ??? ? if you mean H.D.D. Slots and not S.D. Slots with Disque Population. i do have 8x½tb Disk in actly, but Wth, it's not Like O.S. is stored on all Disk ? Thats a real Quirk

I have the Unit, i have 8 Disks in, and i have Serial Cable. the Question is now how to reach the interface where the San (Andreas) can be set up... i guess i need JaWa / some app for this. and not just powershell?



3 Apprentice


1.5K Posts

August 17th, 2020 00:00


 Just to be clear. The configuration is NOT stored on the SD card.  Only the boot OS is. You need 8 disks or 1/2 populated depending on model, to build a RAIDset.   ALL the configuration information for that until is protected on the RAIDset itself.  

 Having a minimum set of disks is not unusual at all.  

 you don't need a "driver" disk or management software.  Once you have access to it over the network the WebGUI is a java applet stored on the RAIDset as part of the configuration.  


4 Operator


1.9K Posts

August 17th, 2020 00:00

.... without driver Disk .....

That was from your initial post and iam unsure what you exactly mean.  The PS6000 have 16x3.5"  and you need at least 8 to set it up. The OS and configuration is stored on the SD Cards. The RAID configuration is stored on the Disks.

So hook up your serial cable and use your favorite terminal programm.... i use "putty" with the 9600,8,1,n.  If your Server provide more than one "com" device you have to poke around. I use the windows device manager to find out how many and how they named. Otherwise try "com1", "com2"  and hit the enter key to get a respont from the terminal.

About the GUI. The GUI is called GroupManager and is always stored on the unit and comes as a Java App which can be run as standalone or browser.


Dont use a ethernet direct connection. Connect the EQL to a switch as well as the Server.




23 Posts

August 17th, 2020 00:00

My comment ended in wrong Place so repost here to keep Updated.. 


@dwilliam62 yes but How, where? What do i need? 

I have serial Cable + one of the buzzing PSU blinking "ACT". I connect there, then two Network cable from each Eth0 to two Ethernet port on the Dell R520. That where it ends... i have no Blue to go further and cannot downlod the Software because that require active support Agreement. This P.O.S. San (Andreas) ist 15 Y.O. 

@Origin3k Say Wh00t , ,, do i need 8 Disque to even get it Start ??? ? if you mean H.D.D. Slots and not S.D. Slots with Disque Population. i do have 8x½tb Disk in actly, but Wth, it's not Like O.S. is stored on all Disk ? Thats a real Quirk 

I have the Unit, i have 8 Disks in, and i have Serial Cable. the Question is now how to reach the interface where the San (Andreas) can be set up... i guess i need JaWa / some app for this. and not just powershell?



4 Operator


1.9K Posts

August 17th, 2020 01:00

A SAN is completely different compared to a Server


About "Host Integration Tools" formally known as HIT-Kit which comes for MS Windows and VMware vSphere.


You dont need that in first place and there is no "driver" needed because all whats needed on server side is a iSCSI Initiator and this comes with the windows server 2008 and up. For 2003 it was an extra download from ms.


The HIT Kit sits on top of the MS iSCSI Initiator and contains a install wizzard to configure the multiple Server NICs to get propper MPIO working, session balancer and VSS HW Provider so that server OS can talk to SAN in combination of App integration with MSSQL, Exchange... aka Snapshots.

But again.... HIT Kit is not needed if you only want to connect to the block storage the EQL provided to  your Server.

We use HIT Kit only on our Hyper-V setups.

Question: did you get a terminal connection working?


3 Apprentice


1.5K Posts

August 17th, 2020 01:00


Re: Network. It's not just about speed.  Both the active and passive controller need to be connected to the common switch. So in the event of a failure you still have connectivity to the SAN. 

 Re: Drives. A better comparison is car engine not gas. You can buy it with 4 cyl or 8 cyls, but you can lob off one cylinder and make it work.  Also, drivers are the heart of the SAN.  This device was designed for commercial IO loads, not a small end home system.  More drives equals more IO capacity. 



3 Apprentice


1.5K Posts

August 20th, 2020 11:00


 Also make sure you are not using serial port flow control. Neither software or hardware flowcontrol.   If you are using a Cicso switch cable that won't ever work as they are wired non standard. 

 You need a stand "NULL modem" wiring layout. or NULL modem adapter. 





23 Posts

August 20th, 2020 11:00

O.K. So i Installed Puttµ, Has connected seriel, and 9600/8/1/0 Ist set up (Default). then i just get an empty terminal window with a green type marker that doesnt respond. Fans on the SAN are stuck on 10000+ Rpm (they rev down for a while few min after startup. then rev up to max again and stay there)  . i waited 10+ min now... 


i not sure. ist san broken ?? 


Network cntrlr. #1 - ACT steady green
Network cntrlr. #2 - ACT steady orange
The "OK" sign ist flashing Orange at the Back of the S.A.N. .


i have Tried both Seriel socket and no work (only has 1 on server ) , also tried downside up  cabel. i think nothing work ? not sure if it has booted

23 Posts

August 20th, 2020 11:00

fault Post ,, C: Ne¤t Page

3 Apprentice


1.5K Posts

August 20th, 2020 12:00


Performance is most determined by the number and type of drives, the RAID level selected, and the IO pattern. 

For example running SQL on RAID6 will have lower write performance vs. R10. but better read performance.

 This array is capable of many thousands of IOs per second, or hundreds of MBs per second throughput. 

 Benchmarks show you the peak theoretical but can easily be tweeked to show the best of any brand of storage or drive. 





23 Posts

August 20th, 2020 12:00

And Another quizion. Whats is Raw power of this San ? ist any Chance faster than Ibm Aptiva ?

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