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August 13th, 2020 16:00

Dell Inspiron 1564 upgrade advice

I have a Dell Inspiron 1564 3108 i3 CPU M330 @ 2.13GHz with 4bg ram which is really slow and heats up really fast. I am thinking of upgrading the CPU, increasing the ram, increasing storage and changing the fan. Please advise what kind of CPU, ram, hard drive would suit this laptop. Any advice is much appreciated.

10 Elder


23.5K Posts

August 13th, 2020 16:00

This is a 10 year old budget system - worth under  $100 in total. Bear that in mind before you start upgrading.

While it will take 8G RAM total and did come with the option of a first-generation i3 or i5 CPU, that's still decidedly low end these days.

Start adding up the cost of a used CPU, the RAM, an SSD (which is probably the only single upgrade that makes any sense) and a replacement fan (only another original will fit and work) and you'll likely find yourself over what a used, newer, more capable system would cost.

This one is a dead end.


4 Operator


6.2K Posts

August 13th, 2020 16:00

Welcome to the Dell Community @Ginnie2807 

CPU:  Intel® Core™ i7-640M Processor

Memory: 8GB max DDR3

Hard Drive: An SSD.

Most people recommend Samsung Evo's 500GB, 1TB depends on how much storage you need and how much you want to spend???

Best regards,


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