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1 Message


July 13th, 2019 04:00

Inspiron 5567 fan noise


My laptop's fan sometimes makes a rattling noise when at low rpm. When I'm playing and the rpm goes up it doesn't occur. Funny thing is I just got my fan replaced like 3 weeks ago. It used to do the same thing with its original fan and now it's doing it again after 3 weeks with a new fan. I only got around replacing my fan when it completely failed ( stopped working altogether)   Any idea what could cause it? It's really annoying, considering it took me 2 months to get a replacement fan in the first place.

7 Technologist


12.1K Posts

July 13th, 2019 06:00

If the original fan had the same symptoms, and the noise went away after the new fan was installed but now after 3 weeks it is back again, It seems pretty safe to assume that the new fan has the same problem. Does the new fan have a warranty and is the system as a whole under warranty?

7 Posts

January 30th, 2020 20:00

Wow great reply. I have the same problem and no solution!

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