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2 Posts


June 20th, 2019 19:00

Motherboard failure within warranty period

I own a Dell Inspiron 15 7000. My motherboard failed within a year of purchase and the Dell support comes and tries to install a refurbished old motherboard into a laptop which is not even used for a year? Really Dell? I've been using Dell since my first laptop, I'm disappointed with this service. 

96 Posts

June 22nd, 2019 08:00

Not impressed with them either. They broke my Windows by updating the BIOS, without even telling me what exact software they were pushing. Sometimes they are good, sometimes they aren't.

2 Posts

June 22nd, 2019 20:00


This guy was given a refurbished motherboard and that too is not working now. How do I accept an old motherboard knowing that hardware still fails  a lot of times even after testing.

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